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The purpose of this study is to generate a better understanding of the nature of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) communication on social media. In fact social media are one of the most effective communication channels in contemporary business settings. Due to their inner characteristics, they should be the ideal channel for communicating CSR topics. Over the last 15 years, a variety of researches discussed the interplay between CSR and social media, resulting in a rather tangled body of knowledge.Design/methodology/approachThis study proposes a scoping review of published academic literature at the intersection of these two research bodies (i.e. CSR and social media communication) to shed light on the nature of the communication, strategic challenges and practices, as well as their key factors and impact.FindingsTo date, academic research related to the nature of CSR on social media is fragmented and blurry. This research sheds light on the challenges of interactive social media communication in CSR and presents an account of key strategies, tactics and possible impacts for these challenging communication practices.Originality/valueThis research generates a better understanding of the nature of CSR communication on social media, strategic challenges and practices, as well as their key factors and impact. It is the tentative of generating a synthetic account of relevant literature in the field.
Journal of Information Communication and Ethics in Society – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 22, 2024
Keywords: CSR; Corporate social responsibility; Social media; Communication
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