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This study aims to analyze how corporate social responsibility (CSR) moderates the direct effects of satisfaction, service quality and trust on consumer bank loyalty.Design/methodology/approachA survey was conducted with 258 consumers who had held a bank account for at least six months to test the proposed model and achieve the research objectives. It was hypothesized that satisfaction, service quality and trust would positively influence bank loyalty. Additionally, it was expected that CSR would positively moderate the relationships between these constructs and bank loyalty.FindingsThe study confirmed the positive relationships among the direct effects of satisfaction, service quality and trust on bank loyalty. However, unexpected results were found in the moderation analysis. The moderating effects of CSR on the relationships between service quality and trust in customer loyalty contradicted expectations. These results suggest that banks should cautiously approach CSR activities, especially in Brazil. Consumers' perceptions are influenced by whether they perceive CSR initiatives as altruistic. Conversely, banks risk losing credibility if consumers perceive CSR as self-serving rather than beneficial to the public. The study underscores the importance of aligning CSR practices with genuine public benefit to enhance consumer trust and loyalty, urging companies to rethink their approach to CSR implementation.Originality/valueThis investigation benefits researchers, customers and banking executives. The findings may assist banks in (re)building their CSR reputation. This research evaluates banks in a developing economy and can serve as a precursor to future research, helping to develop CSR guidelines for banks.
International Journal of Bank Marketing – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 20, 2024
Keywords: Corporate social responsibility; Bank; Consumer satisfaction; Banking loyalty; Consumer trust; Service quality
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