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PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of corporate logo in organisations’ development of corporate e-communication.Design/methodology/approachThis research model was designed based on previous studies on corporate logo, its antecedents on e-communication, corporate image and corporate reputation. Online survey was conducted for consumers and followers of the shopping social networking platforms (Facebook and Twitter) in Colombia.FindingsTaking into account previous corporate constructs theories, the authors propose a new conceptual framework to explain how corporate e-communication interacts within an organisation’s structure and also to show that the consumer’s interaction in corporate e-communication platforms is based on the corporate logo perception held by consumers; as a consequence, the corporate reputation is affected.Originality/valueThis study contributes to the understanding and expansion of the organisation’s structure by introducing a new corporate construct, named “corporate e-communication”, defined as the digital interaction that an organisation has with its stakeholders; it involves everything it says, shows and does. However, there are a few other areas of concern with regard to consequences related to corporate image and corporate reputation, particularly in Colombian retail setting.
The Bottom Line Managing Library Finances – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 13, 2017
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