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The purpose of this paper is to identify how coordination has evolved in humanitarian logistics (HL), what were the triggers for change and how have they been facilitated.Design/methodology/approachThis paper applies a systematic literature review of academic journals.FindingsThis is the first paper to discuss the concepts of network orchestration and choreography in a humanitarian context. The research revealed that network coordination has moved on in the commercial sector to include orchestration and now, choreography concepts which have not been tested in HL literature. This reveals a lag exists between HL research and practice.Research limitations/implicationsThis paper represents an exploratory study and provides the basis for further research on the concepts of orchestration and choreography in HL. The paper sets a research agenda for academics.Practical implicationsThis paper is the first to discuss the concepts of network orchestration and choreography in a humanitarian context.Originality/valueThe areas of orchestration and choreography have received limited consideration within the humanitarian aid logistics literature to date. This paper is designed to redress this shortfall. As a result, it is hoped that it will act as a catalyst for further research and to widen and deepen the resultant debate with a view to improving the outcome for those affected by current and future disasters.
Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Feb 3, 2020
Keywords: Humanitarian logistics; Systematic literature review; Coordination; Orchestration; Choreography
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