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Contemporary Systems and Cybernetics

Contemporary Systems and Cybernetics The concern about Safetycritical Systems highlighted in this and other publications, and at meetings and conferences in Europe and the United States has, perhaps, influenced the United Kingdom bodies responsible for research to call for proposals under the Safety Critical Systems Advanced Technology Programme. The UK's Department of Trade and Industry DTI and its Science and Engineering Research Council SERC have made 12 million available for such proposals 9 million from the DTI and 3 million from SERC. Practice in the UK is that to be eligible for support a proposer must collaborate and involve three or more independent partners, with at least two from industry. The Workplan was published in the JFIT News Issue, No. 17, 1990, and the following summary provides an excellent insight into this important area. The three main areas are placed under the headings Technologies Human Factors and Unification. Kybernetes Emerald Publishing

Contemporary Systems and Cybernetics

Kybernetes , Volume 20 (2): 6 – Feb 1, 1991

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The concern about Safetycritical Systems highlighted in this and other publications, and at meetings and conferences in Europe and the United States has, perhaps, influenced the United Kingdom bodies responsible for research to call for proposals under the Safety Critical Systems Advanced Technology Programme. The UK's Department of Trade and Industry DTI and its Science and Engineering Research Council SERC have made 12 million available for such proposals 9 million from the DTI and 3 million from SERC. Practice in the UK is that to be eligible for support a proposer must collaborate and involve three or more independent partners, with at least two from industry. The Workplan was published in the JFIT News Issue, No. 17, 1990, and the following summary provides an excellent insight into this important area. The three main areas are placed under the headings Technologies Human Factors and Unification.


KybernetesEmerald Publishing

Published: Feb 1, 1991

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