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Conclusion: how could rural tourism provide better support for well-being and socioeconomic development?

Conclusion: how could rural tourism provide better support for well-being and socioeconomic... This concluding paper summarizes the articles presented in this issue and the significant themes that emerged from the authors' contributions. The main objective of this theme issue on rural tourism is to examine different facets of rural tourism that are critical to short-term recovery as well as long-term sustainable development.Design/methodology/approachThis article draws on the findings of the papers and revisits the question: how could rural tourism provide better support for well-being and socioeconomic development?FindingsThe papers in this issue can be classified into one of three clusters: (1) cultural traditions; (2) support for rural tourism service providers and (3) embracing new technologies. In addition to classifying these papers, the authors propose a conceptual framework to achieve sustainable rural tourism and development comprising four critical success factors for sustainable rural tourism and development.Originality/valueThe main objective of this theme issue is to examine different facets of rural tourism that are critical to short-term recovery as well as long-term sustainable development. Here the authors summarize the findings and propose a conceptual model for the benefit of managers. The authors think that the model could be helpful in designing a strategy for developing sustainable rural tourism projects. It includes reference to (1) stakeholder engagement and support for capacity-building, (2) gradual and organic growth processes, (3) valorization of sociocultural traditions and preservation of cultural heritage and (4) leveraging digital technology in marketing strategy. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes Emerald Publishing

Conclusion: how could rural tourism provide better support for well-being and socioeconomic development?

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This concluding paper summarizes the articles presented in this issue and the significant themes that emerged from the authors' contributions. The main objective of this theme issue on rural tourism is to examine different facets of rural tourism that are critical to short-term recovery as well as long-term sustainable development.Design/methodology/approachThis article draws on the findings of the papers and revisits the question: how could rural tourism provide better support for well-being and socioeconomic development?FindingsThe papers in this issue can be classified into one of three clusters: (1) cultural traditions; (2) support for rural tourism service providers and (3) embracing new technologies. In addition to classifying these papers, the authors propose a conceptual framework to achieve sustainable rural tourism and development comprising four critical success factors for sustainable rural tourism and development.Originality/valueThe main objective of this theme issue is to examine different facets of rural tourism that are critical to short-term recovery as well as long-term sustainable development. Here the authors summarize the findings and propose a conceptual model for the benefit of managers. The authors think that the model could be helpful in designing a strategy for developing sustainable rural tourism projects. It includes reference to (1) stakeholder engagement and support for capacity-building, (2) gradual and organic growth processes, (3) valorization of sociocultural traditions and preservation of cultural heritage and (4) leveraging digital technology in marketing strategy.


Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism ThemesEmerald Publishing

Published: Jan 31, 2023

Keywords: Rural tourism; Sustainability; Challenges; Opportunities; Community engagement; Cultural heritage

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