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While consumer–brand relationships bring to mind commonalities such as shared interests and values, the way consumers construe information can differ depending on the situation and their connections to the brand. This study aims to propose that construal level impacts how consumers process information and looks at how two dimensions of psychological distance affect the persuasiveness of different types of advertising appeals.Design/methodology/approachFour experimental studies test the singular effects that social and temporal distance construals have on the persuasiveness of advertising appeals. This research further investigates whether social distance construals can be situationally primed and matched with advertising appeals to improve willingness to pay. Overall, the combined effects are tested when both dimensions are simultaneously activated, but the valence of the construal levels potentially moves in opposite directions.FindingsStudies 1 and 3 find that matching social distance construals and advertising appeals positively impacts willingness to pay, whereas Study 2 reveals that matching temporal distance construals and advertising appeals also positively effects willingness to pay. Furthermore, Study 4 finds that the social distance dimension has a more dominant impact on willingness to pay, except in near future scenarios when there are combined effects of competing construals.Research limitations/implicationsThis research indicates that initial social distance construals are more salient than subsequent temporal distance construals.Practical implicationsThis study helps marketers to identify the most effective advertising appeals for consumers with different types of relationships and psychological distance construals.Originality/valueThis study contributes to both theory and practice by extending knowledge of which types of construals are more salient when competing construals are triggered and by helping marketers identify the most effective advertising appeals for consumers under these different conditions.
European Journal of Marketing – Emerald Publishing
Published: Dec 3, 2024
Keywords: Consumer–brand relationships; Construal level theory; Social distance; Temporal distance; Advertising appeals
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