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Career enhancement through foreign language skills

Career enhancement through foreign language skills Illustrates the rising significance of foreign‐language training with respect to employment opportunities in commerce and industry. Draws on a wide‐ranging and diverse base of literature in order to indicate the value of learning a foreign language, the manner in which such training can be utilized and several other fundamental considerations relating to language and employment. Issues analysed include: the linkage of linguistic with other skills, which students are likely to benefit the most from language training, the impact of various levels of proficiency, language for business as opposed to general language training and the cultural element in terms of career prospects. Makes objective and subjective evaluations as to the significance of these various issues with the aim of assisting students, employees and educational institutions in assessing the benefits and costs, advantages and shortcomings of different types and levels of language education. International Journal of Career Management Emerald Publishing

Career enhancement through foreign language skills

International Journal of Career Management , Volume 7 (6): 12 – Dec 1, 1995

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Emerald Publishing
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Illustrates the rising significance of foreign‐language training with respect to employment opportunities in commerce and industry. Draws on a wide‐ranging and diverse base of literature in order to indicate the value of learning a foreign language, the manner in which such training can be utilized and several other fundamental considerations relating to language and employment. Issues analysed include: the linkage of linguistic with other skills, which students are likely to benefit the most from language training, the impact of various levels of proficiency, language for business as opposed to general language training and the cultural element in terms of career prospects. Makes objective and subjective evaluations as to the significance of these various issues with the aim of assisting students, employees and educational institutions in assessing the benefits and costs, advantages and shortcomings of different types and levels of language education.


International Journal of Career ManagementEmerald Publishing

Published: Dec 1, 1995

Keywords: Career development; Culture; Education; Foreign languages; Students

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