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PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to find prior research work on brand co-creation and the role of different stakeholders in brand co-creation and to come up with a conceptual model that can be empirically validated.Design/methodology/approachA keyword approach has been used to find earlier published papers on co-creation and the role of different stakeholders in co-creation. The focus was more on brand co-creation. The inclusion criteria are empirical or conceptual research papers, books, conference papers, peer reviewed and published in English language journals. As the topic is encompassing various themes, a wide variety of academic resources were reviewed.FindingsThe history of literature brings forth the two major stakeholders consumers and organizations. The importance of third important stakeholder, i.e. suppliers has been mostly overlooked. However, previous studies show that appropriately managed supplier involvement can diminish product and brand development time and cost and it may provide access to newer technologies and better quality. Hence, for a successful brand co-creation one must not forget the importance of suppliers. Along with the motives and outcomes of brand co-creation from consumer and organization perspective this research aims to look into the supplier perspective of the brand co-creation framework.Originality/valueThis is the first academic literature review on brand co-creation from a triadic stakeholder perspective of consumers, organizations and suppliers. Also there is no comprehensive model that exists for brand co-creation looking at its input and its overall outcome. This review provides a bibliography of academic literature from 1959 to 2018 covering 150 journals.
European Business Review – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 2, 2019
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