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This study aims to discover how ethnic entrepreneurs actually understand the performance of their business through clarification of key indicators they use in evaluating business success and failure.Design/methodology/approachThe attribution of success and failure in business was investigated through in-depth interviews, bolstered by the self-determination theory, with some UK’s Black African entrepreneurs.FindingsFindings suggest that ethnic entrepreneurs’ attribution of success and failure is not only subjectively constructed but also enacted through cultural symbolism. The combination of cultural and personal values provoked attitudinal idiosyncrasy that construes business failure as success.Originality/valueThe result offers valuable knowledge to academics/practitioners researching success and failure factors in the ethnic entrepreneurship field.
Society and Business Review – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 4, 2021
Keywords: Ethnic entrepreneurship; Black African entrepreneurs; Self-determination theory; Success and failure evaluation; UK; Success/failure evaluation
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