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Better Lives for People with Learning Disabilities An EvidenceBased Strategy for Change

Better Lives for People with Learning Disabilities An EvidenceBased Strategy for Change SERVICE FEATURE: HEARING LOSS TITLE • • • P O L I C Y F E A T U R E Better Lives for People with Learning Disabilities: An Evidence- Based Strategy for Change Peter McGill, Paul Cambridge, Michelle have to be revised to enable local implementation of McCarthy, Jim Mansell, Glynis Murphy a national strategy. THE TIZARD CENTRE We believe the development of a national strategy is essential to improving services for people with learning disabilities. Plurality of service provision has, too often, meant allowing many local I NTRODUCTION services to continue to be of poor quality. Local This article seeks to contribute constructively to autonomy has, too often, meant insulation from new discussions arising from plans to develop a new ideas and practices. A national strategy that aims ‘to national learning disability strategy. Although the ensure that all ser vices reach the level of the best’ (o p.c i t. ) Department of Health has indicated that the new is to be greatly welcomed. It should, however, be strategy ‘will not involve any radical departure from recognised for what it is – a radical departure from existing policies’ (letter from DoH, 11 May 2000), the existing policy Tizard Learning Disability Review Emerald Publishing

Better Lives for People with Learning Disabilities An EvidenceBased Strategy for Change

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SERVICE FEATURE: HEARING LOSS TITLE • • • P O L I C Y F E A T U R E Better Lives for People with Learning Disabilities: An Evidence- Based Strategy for Change Peter McGill, Paul Cambridge, Michelle have to be revised to enable local implementation of McCarthy, Jim Mansell, Glynis Murphy a national strategy. THE TIZARD CENTRE We believe the development of a national strategy is essential to improving services for people with learning disabilities. Plurality of service provision has, too often, meant allowing many local I NTRODUCTION services to continue to be of poor quality. Local This article seeks to contribute constructively to autonomy has, too often, meant insulation from new discussions arising from plans to develop a new ideas and practices. A national strategy that aims ‘to national learning disability strategy. Although the ensure that all ser vices reach the level of the best’ (o p.c i t. ) Department of Health has indicated that the new is to be greatly welcomed. It should, however, be strategy ‘will not involve any radical departure from recognised for what it is – a radical departure from existing policies’ (letter from DoH, 11 May 2000), the existing policy


Tizard Learning Disability ReviewEmerald Publishing

Published: Aug 1, 2000

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