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Auxiliary Equipment

Auxiliary Equipment The installation combines automatic operation and remote control. The navigator reads information directly from a remote indicating panel, which con­ tains all controls necessary for operation of the sextant, and is the only part of the instrument to which the navigator must have access. As the sextant tracking Details of Some Components Used for device need not be near the navigator, it can be in­ stalled in any section of the aircraft where it has an Subsidiary Services in Aircraft unobstructed view of the sky. There are three components in the instrument: the sextant tracking device, the indicator with the control panel, and the amplifier. The navigator presets Jet Temperature Indicator The units are designed for use with all types of on the control panel the estimated position of the engine, and deliver a continuous output of 600 amps selected celestial body. The sextant tracking device, A small, lightweight jet temperature indicator which, at 28·5 V for general servicing, and a peak capacity which has a photosensitive telescope, searches for the it is claimed, has a clearer scale than the older types of 1,650 amps for starting. The engine is a Ford V8 star from which readings are to be taken. The tele­ of instrument has been designed by Smiths Aircraft side valve engine. Another version has a diesel engine, scope sweeps from right to left with several steps of Instruments Ltd. Known as the Long Scale Moving and is capable of a continuous output of 800 amps, elevation, searching a patch of sky 7 deg. wide by Coil Indicator, this instrument gives readings direct with an overload capacity of 2,000 amps. The units 5 deg. high until it automatically recognizes the star from four or more thermocouples, connected in are manufactured by Red Devon Ltd. of Totnes. to be tracked. parallel, over temperature ranges from 0 to 800 deg. C. As soon as the star is recognized, the system starts or from 0 to 1,000 deg. C. It has been tested under Circuit Breaker its tracking operation. During this phase, an illumi­ rugged service conditions on the bench and in the air. Salford Electrical Instruments Ltd. has introduced nated T is visible on the indicator. An automatic The indicator movement has been constructed so a new Klixon circuit breaker suitable for use in air­ averaging period can be started at any time by throw­ that it will fit into a standard International 3¼ in. case craft. It is designed in such a way that if an excessive ing a toggle switch. When the averaging period is over, or a small 2 in. flangeless case. The small case is overload occurs in a circuit in which it is incorporated an R lights up on the panel, indicating that the navi­ hermetically sealed. Its size makes it suitable for it automatically breaks the circuit. It is used, therefore, gator can read the average star altitude. lightweight fighters. It has a long and wide scale cover­ instead of the traditional fuse, over which it has several Because the Photoelectric Sextant will automatically ing 250 deg. of are and with a scale length of 3¼ in. On advantages. For example, it obviates unnecessary trip- retain a star when the aircraft changes course, repeat the large case instrument the scale is about 5½ in. outs due to transient overloads, and enables equip­ long. The movement of the pointer over the scale is observations can be made with the same star or with ment to be operated with safety at loadings near the the sun. Whenever a celestial body is tracked in level achieved without gearing or linkage, to minimize the maximum permissible. flight, the system will measure accurate relative bear­ possibility of inaccuracy caused by friction. Known as the C-9121 automotive circuit breaker, ing. This information can be used by the navigator to the unit is for use in low voltage d.c. circuits. It in­ determine true heading or star azimuth. The star corporates a current-carrying bimetallic disk secured Lightweight Alkaline Aircraft Battery telescope's photoelectric scanning system is designed at its centre to a non-conducting moulded phenolic so that aurora phenomena, haze or moonlight have A lightweight, 24-volt alkaline battery for emergency base. The disk carries two studs which make contact no effect on its function. duties in high speed aircraft has been developed by with two terminal screws moulded into the base. The Tests have shown that under normal flight condi­ Nife Batteries, of Redditch, Worcs, in conjunction unit is installed directly in the d.c. circuit which is to tions, accuracy within two miles can be obtained with with the Ministry of Supply. It provides emergency be regulated. The current is led in through one terminal a running fix from a succession of several star shots. power for turn and slip indicators and cockpit lighting. screw, passes through the metallic disk, and is led out Weighing under 3 lb., its overall dimensions are through the other terminal screw. 4·25 in. × 4·2 5 in. × 3·375 in. high. Hangar Doors The thermal mass of the bimetallic disk is arranged The new battery, which is also available for civil At the Ministry of Supply Establishment at Bos- so that, if the circuit loading exceeds the maximum aircraft and for export, is designed to operate without combe Down a weighbridge hangar has been specially safe operating limit, the disk, actuated by the resist­ electrolyte leakage under acrobatic conditions at built for the weighing and calibration of new types of ance heat of the current passing through it, snaps reduced barometric pressures equivalent to altitudes aircraft. It has doors measuring 297 feet in width and over, opening both terminal contacts and breaking of up to 60,000 feet. Its mechanical strength is suf­ 67 feet in height, second only in size to the Bristol the circuit. After a short cooling period this disk ficient to withstand stresses of 30g in any direction. Brabazon hangar doors. automatically closes and re-establishes the circuit. If The battery consists of 21 nickel cadmium cells, The hangar is fitted with doors at both ends, and the overload condition persists, the disk will snap type MP04, with a nominal capacity of 0·4 AH. The each consists of two parts which can be operated to open again and will continue to cycle automatically; emergency load amounts to 11W for a minimum of open either from the centre to the sides, or from the if not, the contacts will remain closed and permit 20 minutes— 5W for the turn and slip indicator and normal operation to be continued. The unit is cali­ sides to the centre. The motive power for the move­ 6W for the cockpit lighting. brated to carry 100 per cent of nominal rating continu­ ment of each door is supplied by four 5 h.p. 3-phase Assembled in high impact polystyrene containers, ously and to trip ultimately at not more than 125 per motors operating at 400 volts a.c. the cells are based on the standard Nife nickel cad­ cent of nominal rating at an ambient temperature of Electricity is supplied to the motors through cur­ mium design. 25 dec. C. rent collection equipment manufactured by British Mechanical strength is achieved by the following Insulated Calender's Cables Ltd. The current is The unit is fitted with a metal cover and measures method of construction. The 21 cells are cemented picked up from three grooved copper trolley wires 1¼ in. long × ¾ in. wide × ⅝ in. deep. The terminal together in a block (3 cells × 7 cells) and bound with by miniature current collectors fitted with carbon screws are available in two sizes, 5/16 in. long and glass fibre tape impregnated with polyester resin. The insert slipper heads. The wires are approximately 11/16 in. long. terminals are protected by a cover of glass fibre-rein- 300 ft. long and are supported at intervals of 34 ft. forced polyester resin with locating grooves for the Automatic Sextant from insulated supports and 3¼ in. mechanical cars. hold-down clamps provided in the aircraft. Porcelain insulation has been used throughout. The An experimental model of an automatic sextant The Nife MP04 cell, measuring 1·33 in. × 0·5 7 in. × wires have been erected at a tension of 550 lb. at has been designed and developed by Kollsman 3·1 in. high and weighing 2 oz. is available for other, 60 deg. F. and are fed with alternating current at Instrument Corporation, New York. applications in unit assemblies of up to 24 volts. one end by means of ·0225 sq. in. V.R.I. cables. This instrument, the Kollsman Photoelectric The doors were designed, manufactured and erected Sextant, automatically sights and tracks the sun by Esavian Limited, of Stevenage, Herts, and the during the day and the stars and planets at night. Starting and Towing Units installation of the current collection equipment was Manual sighting of celestial bodies is unnecessary. The Royal Iraqi Air Force has recently ordered carried out by British Insulated Calender's Construc­ The sextant continues to track automatically during from Acrocontacts (Ground Equipment) Ltd. three tion Co. Ltd. and after changes in course. starting and towing units. These units are a develop­ ment from the trailer mounted generator sets used for starting large aircraft, but they make use of their own engines for propulsion and also for towing aircraft. Their dimensions arc: 14 ft. 6 in. long, 6 ft. 3 in. wide and 4 ft. 6 in. high. September 1955 Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Emerald Publishing

Auxiliary Equipment

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology , Volume 27 (9): 1 – Sep 1, 1955

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The installation combines automatic operation and remote control. The navigator reads information directly from a remote indicating panel, which con­ tains all controls necessary for operation of the sextant, and is the only part of the instrument to which the navigator must have access. As the sextant tracking Details of Some Components Used for device need not be near the navigator, it can be in­ stalled in any section of the aircraft where it has an Subsidiary Services in Aircraft unobstructed view of the sky. There are three components in the instrument: the sextant tracking device, the indicator with the control panel, and the amplifier. The navigator presets Jet Temperature Indicator The units are designed for use with all types of on the control panel the estimated position of the engine, and deliver a continuous output of 600 amps selected celestial body. The sextant tracking device, A small, lightweight jet temperature indicator which, at 28·5 V for general servicing, and a peak capacity which has a photosensitive telescope, searches for the it is claimed, has a clearer scale than the older types of 1,650 amps for starting. The engine is a Ford V8 star from which readings are to be taken. The tele­ of instrument has been designed by Smiths Aircraft side valve engine. Another version has a diesel engine, scope sweeps from right to left with several steps of Instruments Ltd. Known as the Long Scale Moving and is capable of a continuous output of 800 amps, elevation, searching a patch of sky 7 deg. wide by Coil Indicator, this instrument gives readings direct with an overload capacity of 2,000 amps. The units 5 deg. high until it automatically recognizes the star from four or more thermocouples, connected in are manufactured by Red Devon Ltd. of Totnes. to be tracked. parallel, over temperature ranges from 0 to 800 deg. C. As soon as the star is recognized, the system starts or from 0 to 1,000 deg. C. It has been tested under Circuit Breaker its tracking operation. During this phase, an illumi­ rugged service conditions on the bench and in the air. Salford Electrical Instruments Ltd. has introduced nated T is visible on the indicator. An automatic The indicator movement has been constructed so a new Klixon circuit breaker suitable for use in air­ averaging period can be started at any time by throw­ that it will fit into a standard International 3¼ in. case craft. It is designed in such a way that if an excessive ing a toggle switch. When the averaging period is over, or a small 2 in. flangeless case. The small case is overload occurs in a circuit in which it is incorporated an R lights up on the panel, indicating that the navi­ hermetically sealed. Its size makes it suitable for it automatically breaks the circuit. It is used, therefore, gator can read the average star altitude. lightweight fighters. It has a long and wide scale cover­ instead of the traditional fuse, over which it has several Because the Photoelectric Sextant will automatically ing 250 deg. of are and with a scale length of 3¼ in. On advantages. For example, it obviates unnecessary trip- retain a star when the aircraft changes course, repeat the large case instrument the scale is about 5½ in. outs due to transient overloads, and enables equip­ long. The movement of the pointer over the scale is observations can be made with the same star or with ment to be operated with safety at loadings near the the sun. Whenever a celestial body is tracked in level achieved without gearing or linkage, to minimize the maximum permissible. flight, the system will measure accurate relative bear­ possibility of inaccuracy caused by friction. Known as the C-9121 automotive circuit breaker, ing. This information can be used by the navigator to the unit is for use in low voltage d.c. circuits. It in­ determine true heading or star azimuth. The star corporates a current-carrying bimetallic disk secured Lightweight Alkaline Aircraft Battery telescope's photoelectric scanning system is designed at its centre to a non-conducting moulded phenolic so that aurora phenomena, haze or moonlight have A lightweight, 24-volt alkaline battery for emergency base. The disk carries two studs which make contact no effect on its function. duties in high speed aircraft has been developed by with two terminal screws moulded into the base. The Tests have shown that under normal flight condi­ Nife Batteries, of Redditch, Worcs, in conjunction unit is installed directly in the d.c. circuit which is to tions, accuracy within two miles can be obtained with with the Ministry of Supply. It provides emergency be regulated. The current is led in through one terminal a running fix from a succession of several star shots. power for turn and slip indicators and cockpit lighting. screw, passes through the metallic disk, and is led out Weighing under 3 lb., its overall dimensions are through the other terminal screw. 4·25 in. × 4·2 5 in. × 3·375 in. high. Hangar Doors The thermal mass of the bimetallic disk is arranged The new battery, which is also available for civil At the Ministry of Supply Establishment at Bos- so that, if the circuit loading exceeds the maximum aircraft and for export, is designed to operate without combe Down a weighbridge hangar has been specially safe operating limit, the disk, actuated by the resist­ electrolyte leakage under acrobatic conditions at built for the weighing and calibration of new types of ance heat of the current passing through it, snaps reduced barometric pressures equivalent to altitudes aircraft. It has doors measuring 297 feet in width and over, opening both terminal contacts and breaking of up to 60,000 feet. Its mechanical strength is suf­ 67 feet in height, second only in size to the Bristol the circuit. After a short cooling period this disk ficient to withstand stresses of 30g in any direction. Brabazon hangar doors. automatically closes and re-establishes the circuit. If The battery consists of 21 nickel cadmium cells, The hangar is fitted with doors at both ends, and the overload condition persists, the disk will snap type MP04, with a nominal capacity of 0·4 AH. The each consists of two parts which can be operated to open again and will continue to cycle automatically; emergency load amounts to 11W for a minimum of open either from the centre to the sides, or from the if not, the contacts will remain closed and permit 20 minutes— 5W for the turn and slip indicator and normal operation to be continued. The unit is cali­ sides to the centre. The motive power for the move­ 6W for the cockpit lighting. brated to carry 100 per cent of nominal rating continu­ ment of each door is supplied by four 5 h.p. 3-phase Assembled in high impact polystyrene containers, ously and to trip ultimately at not more than 125 per motors operating at 400 volts a.c. the cells are based on the standard Nife nickel cad­ cent of nominal rating at an ambient temperature of Electricity is supplied to the motors through cur­ mium design. 25 dec. C. rent collection equipment manufactured by British Mechanical strength is achieved by the following Insulated Calender's Cables Ltd. The current is The unit is fitted with a metal cover and measures method of construction. The 21 cells are cemented picked up from three grooved copper trolley wires 1¼ in. long × ¾ in. wide × ⅝ in. deep. The terminal together in a block (3 cells × 7 cells) and bound with by miniature current collectors fitted with carbon screws are available in two sizes, 5/16 in. long and glass fibre tape impregnated with polyester resin. The insert slipper heads. The wires are approximately 11/16 in. long. terminals are protected by a cover of glass fibre-rein- 300 ft. long and are supported at intervals of 34 ft. forced polyester resin with locating grooves for the Automatic Sextant from insulated supports and 3¼ in. mechanical cars. hold-down clamps provided in the aircraft. Porcelain insulation has been used throughout. The An experimental model of an automatic sextant The Nife MP04 cell, measuring 1·33 in. × 0·5 7 in. × wires have been erected at a tension of 550 lb. at has been designed and developed by Kollsman 3·1 in. high and weighing 2 oz. is available for other, 60 deg. F. and are fed with alternating current at Instrument Corporation, New York. applications in unit assemblies of up to 24 volts. one end by means of ·0225 sq. in. V.R.I. cables. This instrument, the Kollsman Photoelectric The doors were designed, manufactured and erected Sextant, automatically sights and tracks the sun by Esavian Limited, of Stevenage, Herts, and the during the day and the stars and planets at night. Starting and Towing Units installation of the current collection equipment was Manual sighting of celestial bodies is unnecessary. The Royal Iraqi Air Force has recently ordered carried out by British Insulated Calender's Construc­ The sextant continues to track automatically during from Acrocontacts (Ground Equipment) Ltd. three tion Co. Ltd. and after changes in course. starting and towing units. These units are a develop­ ment from the trailer mounted generator sets used for starting large aircraft, but they make use of their own engines for propulsion and also for towing aircraft. Their dimensions arc: 14 ft. 6 in. long, 6 ft. 3 in. wide and 4 ft. 6 in. high. September 1955


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace TechnologyEmerald Publishing

Published: Sep 1, 1955

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