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Attitudes towards risk and decision-making within local government

Attitudes towards risk and decision-making within local government This case study aims to explore the perceptions and attitudes towards risk within a UK local authority and the subsequent effects on decision-making. Through a qualitative analysis of both primary and secondary data, this study advances current understanding of the complex relationships between risk and decision-making. The study concludes by suggesting how local governments may better provide value to constituents.Design/methodology/approachThis research follows a single case study approach. Data were collected through both a focused online survey and semi-structured interviews. Respondents were selected through purposive sampling in order to capture direct insights and understanding of the concepts under consideration. The study focuses on a single local authority within the UK.FindingsBuilding on extant literature, this case study highlights both the individual and organisational considerations towards risk perception. Following the analysis of collected data, the study highlights the influence of risk aversion and public involvement within decision-making.Originality/valueBy aiming to improve and advance understanding of risk and decision-making in a local authority setting, the relevance of this research may be wider than internal organisational structures. The study provides recommendations for further research towards facilitating the inclusion of the citizen within decision-making processes. Continuity & Resilience Review Emerald Publishing

Attitudes towards risk and decision-making within local government

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Emerald Publishing
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This case study aims to explore the perceptions and attitudes towards risk within a UK local authority and the subsequent effects on decision-making. Through a qualitative analysis of both primary and secondary data, this study advances current understanding of the complex relationships between risk and decision-making. The study concludes by suggesting how local governments may better provide value to constituents.Design/methodology/approachThis research follows a single case study approach. Data were collected through both a focused online survey and semi-structured interviews. Respondents were selected through purposive sampling in order to capture direct insights and understanding of the concepts under consideration. The study focuses on a single local authority within the UK.FindingsBuilding on extant literature, this case study highlights both the individual and organisational considerations towards risk perception. Following the analysis of collected data, the study highlights the influence of risk aversion and public involvement within decision-making.Originality/valueBy aiming to improve and advance understanding of risk and decision-making in a local authority setting, the relevance of this research may be wider than internal organisational structures. The study provides recommendations for further research towards facilitating the inclusion of the citizen within decision-making processes.


Continuity & Resilience ReviewEmerald Publishing

Published: Apr 20, 2021

Keywords: Public sector; Risk; Decision-making; Local government; Local authority

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