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Peter Scott (1992)
HYTELNET as Software for Accessing the Internet: A Personal Perspective on the Development of HYTELNETInternet Research, 2
A. Marine, S. Kirkpatrick, Vivian Neou, C. Ward, A. Mallinckrodt, S. McKay (1993)
Internet: Getting Started
Gord Nickerson (1992)
Effective Use of Usenet.Computers in libraries, 12
C. McClure (1992)
A User Perspective on Developing Internet Services.Computers in libraries, 12
B. Kahle, A. Medlar (1991)
An information system for corporate users: wide area information serversOnline, 15
E. Krol (1989)
Hitchhikers guide to the InternetRFC, 1118
Gord Nickerson (1992)
Getting to Know Wide Area Information Servers.Computers in libraries, 12
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Women workers as users of computer technologyComputers in libraries, 12
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Resource Discovery in an Internet Environment—the Archie ApproachInternet Research, 2
Reports on a project to first, provide an empirical analysis oftextual information on the Internet second, to test the suitability ofcataloguing rules and record formats governing the creation ofmachinereadable cataloguing records and third, develop recommendationsthat would assist the efforts of standards bodies and others interestedin systematically cataloguing or otherwise describing and providingaccess to electronic information objects available through remotenetwork access. Provides summary tables regarding the growth of theInternet and its traffic, together with file types. Concludes first,that machine readable cataloguing records should be created second, theeffectiveness of records created for providing description and accessinformation should be monitored and third, cataloguing rules andformats should be extended to include interactive network systems andservices.
Internet Research – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jan 1, 1993
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