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APPOINTMENTS Metal Industries Ltd. development and research department in order to devote himself more fully Changes in the Metal Industries to directorship responsibilities, and Ltd. board of directors have taken is succeeded by F. Dickinson. place owing to the decision of R. W. R. A. R. Hill and J. O. Hitchcock McCrone to retire, after 33 years as have been elected directors of the managing director and more recently Mond Nickel Co., and F. B. Howard- as chairman, in order to devote him­ White has been elected a director of self more freely to other interests. The Henry Wiggin & Co. and secretary of directors will recommend his appoint­ both companies. Mr. Hill will also ment as one of the honorary presidents take over the offices of comptroller of of the company. He will be succeeded the two companies, and Mr. Hitchcock as chairman by J. S. Hutchison. has been appointed sales manager of The chairman and joint managing the Mond Nickel Co. director of Brookhirst Switchgear Ltd., J. O. Knowles, and J. T. Rymer, British Insulated Callender's managing director of Sentinel (Shrews­ bury) Ltd., have been appointed to Cables Ltd. the board, but will maintain their H. Thompson, the new branch connections with these member com­ manager for Glasgow of British In­ panies of the group. The appointment sulated Callender's Cables Ltd., was is also announced of Sir Charles West- educated at Glasgow High School and lake, at present chairman of the Glasgow Royal Technical College, Uganda Electricity Board. where he obtained a diploma in elec­ trical engineering. Mr. Thompson Metal & Pipeline Endurance Ltd. served his student apprenticeship with Robert Ingham Clark & Co. R. M. Russell Ltd., and Bruce Peebles R . B. Whalley, A.M.INST.W., It is announced that G. F. Ingham & Co. Ltd., with whom he acted as a M.AMER.W.S., has joined the staff of Clark has been appointed sales director transformer sales engineer. He served Metal & Pipeline Endurance Ltd. as to the board of the paint manufactur­ with the R.N.V.R. during the war chief welding engineer. He was for­ ing organisation, Pinchin Johnson & and, on demobilisation, joined B.I.C.C. merly the welding engineer for the Associates, from his present position as sales engineer at their Glasgow Central Electricity Authority, being as general manager of Robert Ingham office. responsible for the building up, Clark & Co. and R. Gay & Co. management and training at their Mr. Ingham Clark, who is 50, was national training centre for welders, Battelle Memorial Institute educated at Cheltenham College and and has been retained by them as a The international industrial research the University of Neuchatel, first guest lecturer at courses for station joining the family company of Robert organisation, Battelle Memorial In­ superintendents and engineers in Ingham Clark in 1923. After training stitute, has appointed Robert Q. Wil­ London. in France, Spain, Switzerland and the son as their United Kingdom repre­ Prior to this appointment Mr. Whal­ sentative. He is in charge of the United States, he became works ley was attached to the technical Institute's recently registered office at manager and later, in 1931, assistant service and research laboratory of the 46 Bryanston Street, London, W.1, general manager. During the war he Quasi Arc Co. Ltd. at Bilston for served with the 51st Highland Division and will maintain liaison for British some years. His practical experience and later in combined operations and firms sponsoring research at the covers welding in the pressure-vessel, special forces, resuming his duties Battelle laboratories in Columbus ship-building and -repair, high-pres­ (Ohio), Geneva and Frankfurt/Main. with Robert Ingham Clark as general sure/high-temperature pipeline and manager in 1945. Formerly assistant chief of the oil pipeline fields. Columbus laboratory's division of Following the election of Mr. chemical engineering, Mr. Wilson has Ingham Clark to the board of Pinchin Mond Nickel Co. Ltd. been a member of the Battelle research Johnso n & Associates Ltd., the The following management changes staff since 1948, specialising in chemi­ management of Robert Ingham Clark have now been announced: cal engineering and minerals bene- & Co. and R. Gay & Co. will be the L. K. Brindley, M.B.E., has been ficiation. He received his bachelor of joint responsibility of two R.I.C. elected deputy chairman of the boards science degree at Heidelberg College, executives, G. S. Richards and D. J. S. Tiffin, Ohio, in 1942, and his master of the Mond Nickel Co. and Henry Shaw. of science in chemical engineering at Wiggin & Co., and G. Archer, C.M.G., Coalite & Chemical Products Ltd. Ohio State University, Columbus, in has been elected managing director of the former company. 1947. The following executives, all of I. A. Bailey is moving his head­ The London office was established whom have spent many years with the quarters from Birmingham to London, for the convenience of firms in the company, have recently been appointed where he will continue as a director of U.K. in need of contract research to the board of directors of Coalite the Mond Nickel Co. and as managing facilities of the type provided by the & Chemical Products Ltd.: A. Good- director of Henry Wiggin & Co. Institute's laboratories, and similar sell, J. H. Orr, M.INST.FUEL, and G. S. offices are maintained in Paris, Milan Dr. L. B. Pfeil, O.B.E., F.R.S., has Pound , M.I.CHEM.E., F.INST.PET., relinquished the managership of the and Madrid. M.INST.FUEL. 234 CORROSION TECHNOLOGY July 1955 Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials Emerald Publishing


Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials , Volume 2 (7): 1 – Jul 1, 1955

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Metal Industries Ltd. development and research department in order to devote himself more fully Changes in the Metal Industries to directorship responsibilities, and Ltd. board of directors have taken is succeeded by F. Dickinson. place owing to the decision of R. W. R. A. R. Hill and J. O. Hitchcock McCrone to retire, after 33 years as have been elected directors of the managing director and more recently Mond Nickel Co., and F. B. Howard- as chairman, in order to devote him­ White has been elected a director of self more freely to other interests. The Henry Wiggin & Co. and secretary of directors will recommend his appoint­ both companies. Mr. Hill will also ment as one of the honorary presidents take over the offices of comptroller of of the company. He will be succeeded the two companies, and Mr. Hitchcock as chairman by J. S. Hutchison. has been appointed sales manager of The chairman and joint managing the Mond Nickel Co. director of Brookhirst Switchgear Ltd., J. O. Knowles, and J. T. Rymer, British Insulated Callender's managing director of Sentinel (Shrews­ bury) Ltd., have been appointed to Cables Ltd. the board, but will maintain their H. Thompson, the new branch connections with these member com­ manager for Glasgow of British In­ panies of the group. The appointment sulated Callender's Cables Ltd., was is also announced of Sir Charles West- educated at Glasgow High School and lake, at present chairman of the Glasgow Royal Technical College, Uganda Electricity Board. where he obtained a diploma in elec­ trical engineering. Mr. Thompson Metal & Pipeline Endurance Ltd. served his student apprenticeship with Robert Ingham Clark & Co. R. M. Russell Ltd., and Bruce Peebles R . B. Whalley, A.M.INST.W., It is announced that G. F. Ingham & Co. Ltd., with whom he acted as a M.AMER.W.S., has joined the staff of Clark has been appointed sales director transformer sales engineer. He served Metal & Pipeline Endurance Ltd. as to the board of the paint manufactur­ with the R.N.V.R. during the war chief welding engineer. He was for­ ing organisation, Pinchin Johnson & and, on demobilisation, joined B.I.C.C. merly the welding engineer for the Associates, from his present position as sales engineer at their Glasgow Central Electricity Authority, being as general manager of Robert Ingham office. responsible for the building up, Clark & Co. and R. Gay & Co. management and training at their Mr. Ingham Clark, who is 50, was national training centre for welders, Battelle Memorial Institute educated at Cheltenham College and and has been retained by them as a The international industrial research the University of Neuchatel, first guest lecturer at courses for station joining the family company of Robert organisation, Battelle Memorial In­ superintendents and engineers in Ingham Clark in 1923. After training stitute, has appointed Robert Q. Wil­ London. in France, Spain, Switzerland and the son as their United Kingdom repre­ Prior to this appointment Mr. Whal­ sentative. He is in charge of the United States, he became works ley was attached to the technical Institute's recently registered office at manager and later, in 1931, assistant service and research laboratory of the 46 Bryanston Street, London, W.1, general manager. During the war he Quasi Arc Co. Ltd. at Bilston for served with the 51st Highland Division and will maintain liaison for British some years. His practical experience and later in combined operations and firms sponsoring research at the covers welding in the pressure-vessel, special forces, resuming his duties Battelle laboratories in Columbus ship-building and -repair, high-pres­ (Ohio), Geneva and Frankfurt/Main. with Robert Ingham Clark as general sure/high-temperature pipeline and manager in 1945. Formerly assistant chief of the oil pipeline fields. Columbus laboratory's division of Following the election of Mr. chemical engineering, Mr. Wilson has Ingham Clark to the board of Pinchin Mond Nickel Co. Ltd. been a member of the Battelle research Johnso n & Associates Ltd., the The following management changes staff since 1948, specialising in chemi­ management of Robert Ingham Clark have now been announced: cal engineering and minerals bene- & Co. and R. Gay & Co. will be the L. K. Brindley, M.B.E., has been ficiation. He received his bachelor of joint responsibility of two R.I.C. elected deputy chairman of the boards science degree at Heidelberg College, executives, G. S. Richards and D. J. S. Tiffin, Ohio, in 1942, and his master of the Mond Nickel Co. and Henry Shaw. of science in chemical engineering at Wiggin & Co., and G. Archer, C.M.G., Coalite & Chemical Products Ltd. Ohio State University, Columbus, in has been elected managing director of the former company. 1947. The following executives, all of I. A. Bailey is moving his head­ The London office was established whom have spent many years with the quarters from Birmingham to London, for the convenience of firms in the company, have recently been appointed where he will continue as a director of U.K. in need of contract research to the board of directors of Coalite the Mond Nickel Co. and as managing facilities of the type provided by the & Chemical Products Ltd.: A. Good- director of Henry Wiggin & Co. Institute's laboratories, and similar sell, J. H. Orr, M.INST.FUEL, and G. S. offices are maintained in Paris, Milan Dr. L. B. Pfeil, O.B.E., F.R.S., has Pound , M.I.CHEM.E., F.INST.PET., relinquished the managership of the and Madrid. M.INST.FUEL. 234 CORROSION TECHNOLOGY July 1955


Anti-Corrosion Methods and MaterialsEmerald Publishing

Published: Jul 1, 1955

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