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B. Beeler, P. Lecomte (2017)
Shedding light on the darker side of languageInternational Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 17
M. Janssens, C. Steyaert (2014)
Re-considering language within a cosmopolitan understanding: Toward a multilingual franca approach in international business studiesJournal of International Business Studies, 45
Masayuki Furusawa, C. Brewster (2015)
The bi-cultural option for global talent management: The Japanese/Brazilian Nikkeijin exampleJournal of World Business, 50
G. Sanden (2016)
Language Strategies in Multinational Corporations: A Cross-sector Study of Financial Service Companies and Manufacturing Companies, 16
V. Escott-Price, C. Bellenguez, Li-San Wang, S. Choi, D. Harold, L. Jones, P. Holmans, A. Gerrish, Alexey Vedernikov, A. Richards, A. Destefano, J. Lambert, C. Ibrahim-Verbaas, A. Naj, R. Sims, G. Jun, J. Bis, G. Beecham, B. Grenier‐Boley, G. Russo, T. Thornton-Wells, N. Denning, A. Smith, V. Chouraki, C. Thomas, M. Ikram, D. Zélénika, B. Vardarajan, Y. Kamatani, Chiao-Feng Lin, H. Schmidt, B. Kunkle, M. Dunstan, M. Vronskaya, Andrew Johnson, A. Ruiz, M. Bihoreau, C. Reitz, F. Pasquier, P. Hollingworth, O. Hanon, A. Fitzpatrick, J. Buxbaum, D. Campion, P. Crane, C. Baldwin, T. Becker, V. Gudnason, C. Cruchaga, D. Craig, N. Amin, C. Berr, O. Lopez, P. Jager, V. Deramecourt, J. Johnston, D. Evans, S. Lovestone, L. Letenneur, I. Hernández, D. Rubinsztein, G. Eiriksdottir, K. Sleegers, A. Goate, N. Fievet, M. Huentelman, M. Gill, K. Brown, M. Kamboh, L. Keller, P. Barberger‐Gateau, B. McGuinness, E. Larson, A. Myers, C. Dufouil, S. Todd, D. Wallon, S. Love, E. Rogaeva, J. Gallacher, P. George-Hyslop, J. Clarimón, A. Lleó, A. Bayer, D. Tsuang, Lei Yu, M. Tsolaki, P. Bossù, G. Spalletta, P. Proitsi, J. Collinge, S. Sorbi, Florentino Garcia, Nick Fox, J. Hardy, M. Naranjo, P. Bosco, R. Clarke, C. Brayne, D. Galimberti, E. Scarpini, U. Bonuccelli, M. Mancuso, G. Siciliano, S. Moebus, P. Mecocci, M. Zompo, W. Maier, H. Hampel, A. Pilotto, A. Frank‐García, F. Panza, V. Solfrizzi, P. Caffarra, B. Nacmias, W. Perry, M. Mayhaus, L. Lannfelt, H. Hakonarson, S. Pichler, M. Carrasquillo, M. Ingelsson, D. Beekly, V. Álvarez, F. Zou, O. Valladares, S. Younkin, E. Coto, K. Hamilton-Nelson, W. Gu, C. Razquín, P. Pástor, I. Mateo, M. Owen, K. Faber, P. Jonsson, O. Combarros, M. O’Donovan, L. Cantwell, H. Soininen, D. Blacker, S. Mead, T. Mosley, D. Bennett, T. Harris, L. Fratiglioni, C. Holmes, R. Bruijn, P. Passmore, T. Montine, K. Bettens, J. Rotter, A. Brice, K. Morgan, T. Foroud, W. Kukull, D. Hannequin, J. Powell, M. Nalls, K. Ritchie, K. Lunetta, J. Kauwe, E. Boerwinkle, M. Riemenschneider, M. Boada, M. Hiltunen, E. Martin, R. Schmidt, D. Rujescu, J. Dartigues, R. Mayeux, C. Tzourio, A. Hofman, M. Nöthen, C. Graff, B. Psaty, J. Haines, M. Lathrop, M. Pericak-Vance, L. Launer, C. Broeckhoven, L. Farrer, C. Duijn, A. Ramírez, S. Seshadri, G. Schellenberg, P. Amouyel, Julie Williams (2014)
Gene-Wide Analysis Detects Two New Susceptibility Genes for Alzheimer's DiseasePLoS ONE, 9
L. Cohen, Jane Kassis-Henderson (2017)
Revisiting culture and language in global management teamsInternational Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 17
Helene Tenzer, S. Terjesen, Anne-Wil Harzing (2017)
Language in International Business: A Review and Agenda for Future ResearchManagement International Review, 57
Mette Zølner (2013)
Corporate Language and Corporate Talk: Implications for Learning at Headquarters
H. Andersen, E. Rasmussen (2004)
The role of language skills in corporate communicationCorporate Communications: An International Journal, 9
B. Clegg, S. Gray (2002)
Australian expatriates in Thailand: some insights for expatriate management policiesThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 13
J. Selmer, Jakob Lauring, J. Normann, Annamaria Kubovcikova (2015)
Context matters: Acculturation and work-related outcomes of self-initiated expatriates employed by foreign vs. local organizationsInternational Journal of Intercultural Relations, 49
J. Black, M. Mendenhall, Gary Oddou (1991)
Toward a Comprehensive Model of International Adjustment: An Integration of Multiple Theoretical PerspectivesAcademy of Management Review, 16
Yadong Luo, O. Shenkar (2006)
The multinational corporation as a multilingual community: Language and organization in a global contextJournal of International Business Studies, 37
R. Piekkari, E. Vaara, J. Tienari, Risto Säntti (2005)
Integration or disintegration? Human resource implications of a common corporate language decision in a cross-border mergerThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16
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F. Froese, Vesa Peltokorpi (2013)
Organizational expatriates and self-initiated expatriates: differences in cross-cultural adjustment and job satisfactionThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24
K. Lagerström, Maria Andersson (2003)
Creating and sharing knowledge within a transnational team—the development of a global business systemJournal of World Business, 38
Dirk Akkermans, Anne-Wil Harzing, A. Witteloostuijn (2010)
Cultural Accommodation and Language PrimingManagement International Review, 50
International Journal of Manpower, 9
O. Wurtz (2014)
An empirical investigation of the effectiveness of pre-departure and in-country cross-cultural trainingThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25
R. Piekkari, D. Westney (2017)
Language as a Meeting Ground for Research on the MNC and Organization Theory, 49
Helene Tenzer, Markus Pudelko (2012)
The Impact of Language Barriers on Shared Mental Models in Multinational Teams, 2012
D. Welch, L. Welch, R. Piekkari (2005)
Speaking in Tongues : The Importance of Language in International Management ProcessesInternational Studies of Management & Organization, 35
G. Sanden, Dorte Lønsmann (2018)
Discretionary power on the front line: A bottom-up perspective on corporate language managementEuropean Journal of International Management, 12
Helene Tenzer, Tassilo Schuster (2017)
Language Barriers in Different Forms of International Assignments
R. Piekkari, Susanne Tietze (2011)
A world of languages: Implications for international management research and practiceJournal of World Business, 46
Miki Malul, Amir Shoham, M. Uddin (2016)
Linguistic gender marking gap and female staffing at MNC’sThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27
Paula Frisco, B. Kleiner (1988)
AIDS IN THE WORKPLACEInternational Journal of Manpower, 9
Anders Klitmøller, S. Schneider, Karsten Jonsen (2015)
Speaking of global virtual teams: language differences, social categorization and media choicePersonnel Review, 44
A. Langley, Chahrazad Abdallah (2011)
Templates and Turns in Qualitative Studies of Strategy and Management, 6
J. Salgado, María Bastida (2017)
Predicting Expatriate Effectiveness: The Role of Personality, Cross‐Cultural Adjustment, and Organizational SupportInternational Management of Organizations & People eJournal
M. Vigier, H. Spencer-Oatey (2017)
Code-switching in newly formed multinational project teamsInternational Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 17
M. Charles (2007)
Language Matters in Global CommunicationJournal of Business Communication, 44
K. Dhir, Abíódún Gòkè-Paríolá (2002)
The case for language policies in multinational corporationsCorporate Communications: An International Journal, 7
T. Neeley, Pamela Hinds, C. Cramton (2012)
The (Un)Hidden Turmoil of Language in Global CollaborationOrganizational Dynamics, 41
Pudelko Markus, Tomoki Sekiguchi, N. Takeuchi (2015)
Language and international human resource management, 28
R. Piekkari, L. Zander (2005)
Language and Communication in International Management
Ilya Cuypers, G. Ertug, Jean-françois Hennart (2015)
The effects of linguistic distance and lingua franca proficiency on the stake taken by acquirers in cross-border acquisitionsJournal of International Business Studies, 46
Vesa Peltokorpi (2007)
Intercultural communication patterns and tactics: Nordic expatriates in JapanInternational Business Review, 16
Journal of Business Communication, 44
M. Dickmann, Noeleen Doherty, Timothy Mills, C. Brewster (2008)
Why do they go? Individual and corporate perspectives on the factors influencing the decision to accept an international assignmentThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19
Susanne Tietze, R. Piekkari, M. Brannen (2014)
From standardization to localization: Developing a language-sensitive approach to IHRM
A. Haslberger, M. Dickmann (2016)
The correspondence model of cross-cultural adjustment: exploring exchange relationships, 4
The Management of Global Careers: Exploring the Rise of International Work
G. Cui, S. Berg (1991)
Testing the construct validity of intercultural effectivenessInternational Journal of Intercultural Relations, 15
Keith Goodall, Na Li, M. Warner (2006)
Expatriate Managers in China: The Influence of Chinese Culture on Cross-Cultural ManagementJournal of General Management, 32
Stefan Volk, T. Köhler, Markus Pudelko (2014)
Brain drain: The cognitive neuroscience of foreign language processing in multinational corporationsJournal of International Business Studies, 45
Maike Andresen, M. Dickmann, Vesa Suutari (2018)
Typologies of internationally mobile employees
V. Haines, T. Saba, Evelyne Choquette (2008)
Intrinsic motivation for an international assignmentInternational Journal of Manpower, 29
P. Buckley, Martin Carter, J. Clegg, H. Tan (2005)
Language and Social Knowledge in Foreign-Knowledge Transfer to ChinaInternational Studies of Management & Organization, 35
R. Leow (1998)
The Effects of Amount and Type of Exposure on Adult Learners' L2 Development in SLAThe Modern Language Journal, 82
F. Cooke, A. Veen, G. Wood (2017)
What do we know about cross-country comparative studies in HRM? A critical review of literature in the period of 2000-2014The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28
Masayuki Furusawa, C. Brewster (2016)
IHRM and expatriation in Japanese MNCs: HRM practices and their impact on adjustment and job performanceAsia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 54
A. Kuznetsov, O. Kuznetsova (2014)
Building professional discourse in emerging markets: Language, context and the challenge of sensemakingJournal of International Business Studies, 45
B. Reiche, Yih‐teen Lee, David Allen, David Allen (2018)
Actors, Structure, and Processes: A Review and Conceptualization of Global Work Integrating IB and HRM ResearchJournal of Management, 45
Purnima Bhaskar-Shrinivas, D. Harrison, M. Shaffer, Dora Luk (2005)
Input-based and time-based models of international adjustment: Meta-analytic evidence and theoretical extensionsAcademy of Management Journal, 48
Jakob Lauring, J. Selmer (2012)
International language management and diversity climate in multicultural organizationsInternational Business Review, 21
Paula Caligiuri, I. Tarique, R. Jacobs (2009)
Selection for international assignmentsHuman Resource Management Review, 19
Jakob Lauring (2008)
Rethinking Social Identity Theory in International EncountersInternational Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 8
C. Ravasi, Xavier Salamin, E. Davoine (2015)
Cross-cultural adjustment of skilled migrants in a multicultural and multilingual environment: an explorative study of foreign employees and their spouses in the Swiss contextThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26
Maria Kraimer, Sandy Wayne, Renata Jaworski (2001)
Dorte Lønsmann, J. Mortensen (2018)
Language policy and social change: A critical examination of the implementation of an English-only language policy in a Danish companyLanguage in Society, 47
Stefan Mol, M. Born, M. Willemsen, H. Molen (2005)
Predicting Expatriate Job Performance for Selection PurposesJournal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 36
Vesa Peltokorpi (2008)
Cross-cultural adjustment of expatriates in JapanThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19
H. Min, V. Magnini, Manisha Singal (2013)
Perceived corporate training investment as a driver of expatriate adjustmentInternational Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 25
Nathalie Aichhorn, Jonas Puck (2017)
“I just don’t feel comfortable speaking English”: Foreign language anxiety as a catalyst for spoken-language barriers in MNCsInternational Business Review, 26
Margot Mulken, B. Hendriks (2015)
Your language or mine? or English as a lingua franca? Comparing effectiveness in English as a lingua franca and L1–L2 interactions: implications for corporate language policiesJournal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 36
B. Reiche, Anne-Wil Harzing, Markus Pudelko (2015)
Why and how does shared language affect subsidiary knowledge inflows? A social identity perspectiveJournal of International Business Studies, 46
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“Understanding the words of relationships”: Language as an essential tool to manage CSR in communities of placeJournal of International Business Studies, 46
Mette Zølner (2019)
Local intermediaries and their organisational identification in a French subsidiaryEuropean J. of International Management
Hsiu-Ching, Mu-Li (2012)
The Effects of Cross-Cultural Training on Expatriate Assignments
Helene Tenzer, Markus Pudelko (2015)
Leading across language barriers: Managing language-induced emotions in multinational teamsLeadership Quarterly, 26
Hanne Tange, Jakob Lauring (2009)
Language management and social interaction within the multilingual workplaceJournal of Communication Management, 13
J. Jordan, S. Cartwright (1998)
Selecting expatriate managers: key traits and competenciesLeadership & Organization Development Journal, 19
Anders Klitmøller, Jakob Lauring (2013)
When global virtual teams share knowledge: Media richness, cultural difference and language commonalityJournal of World Business, 48
Susanne Tietze, C. Tansley, E. Helienek (2017)
The translator as agent in management knowledge transferInternational Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 17
Sully Taylor, N. Napier (1996)
Working in Japan: Lessons from Women ExpatriatesSloan Management Review, 37
Mehdi Boussebaa, Andrew Brown (2017)
Englishization, Identity Regulation and ImperialismOrganization Studies, 38
Haiying Kang, Jie Shen, Guang Xu (2015)
International Training and Management Development Policies and Practices of South Korean MNEs in ChinaThunderbird International Business Review, 57
D. Vieru, S. Rivard, V. Dutot (2014)
Insights from a Review of the Literature on Post-Merger Information Systems/Information Technology IntegrationInternational Business Research, 7
Floor Born, Vesa Peltokorpi (2010)
Language Policies and Communication in Multinational CompaniesInternational Journal of Business Communication, 47
K. Okamoto, S. Teo (2012)
Role stress reduction and cultural mediators in overseas Japanese companiesThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23
Can language be managed in International Business? Insights into language choice from a case study of Danish and Austrian Multinational Corporations (MNCs)
Dorte Lønsmann (2017)
Embrace it or resist it? Employees’ reception of corporate language policiesInternational Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 17
Qiu Wang, J. Clegg, Hanna Mattos, P. Buckley (2020)
The role of emotions in intercultural business communication: Language standardization in the context of international knowledge transferJournal of World Business
J. Heikkilä, Adam Smale (2011)
The effects of ‘language standardization’ on the acceptance and use of e-HRM systems in foreign subsidiariesJournal of World Business, 46
Normative control in MNC
Jean–Marc Dewaele (2008)
The emotional weight of I love you in multilinguals' languagesJournal of Pragmatics, 40
A. Kankaanranta (2006)
“Hej Seppo, Could You pls Comment on This!”—Internal Email Communication in Lingua Franca English in a Multinational CompanyBusiness Communication Quarterly, 69
J. Shin, Douglas Gress (2018)
Expatriate academics and managing diversity: a Korean host university’s perspectiveAsia Pacific Education Review, 19
Lucy Gilson, Caren Goldberg (2015)
Editors’ CommentGroup & Organization Management, 40
A. Feely, Anne-Wil Harzing (2003)
Language management in multinational companiesCross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 10
T. Hippler, C. Brewster, A. Haslberger (2015)
The elephant in the room: the role of time in expatriate adjustmentThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26
D. Welch, L. Welch, R. Marschan-Piekkari (2001)
The Persistent Impact of Language on Global OperationsPrometheus, 19
S. Freeman, Sarah Lindsay (2012)
The effect of ethnic diversity on expatriate managers in their host countryInternational Business Review, 21
L. Zhang, Vesa Peltokorpi (2016)
Multifaceted effects of host country language proficiency in expatriate cross-cultural adjustments: a qualitative study in ChinaThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27
Wilhelm Barner‐Rasmussen, Ingmar Björkman (2005)
Surmounting Interunit Barriers Factors Associated with Interunit Communication Intensity in the Multinational CorporationInternational Studies of Management & Organization, 35
M. Janssens, J. Lambert, C. Steyaert (2004)
Developing language strategies for international companies: the contribution of translation studiesJournal of World Business, 39
Vesa Suutari, C. Brewster (1998)
The adaptation of expatriates in EuropePersonnel Review, 27
Maike Andresen, Franziska Bergdolt, Jil Margenfeld, M. Dickmann (2014)
Addressing international mobility confusion – developing definitions and differentiations for self-initiated and assigned expatriates as well as migrantsThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25
Kwanghyun Kim, J. Slocum (2008)
Individual differences and expatriate assignment effectiveness: The case of U.S.-based Korean expatriatesJournal of World Business, 43
A. Björkman, R. Piekkari (2009)
Language and foreign subsidiary control: An empirical test ☆Journal of International Management, 15
Vesa Peltokorpi (2015)
Corporate Language Proficiency and Reverse Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Corporations: Interactive Effects of Communication Media Richness and Commitment to HeadquartersJournal of International Management, 21
P. Karhunen, A. Kankaanranta, L. Louhiala-Salminen, R. Piekkari (2018)
Let's Talk About Language: A Review of Language‐Sensitive Research in International ManagementDecision Making
R. Tahir (2018)
Expanding horizons and expatriate adjustment: Perceptions of Western expatriate managers in multinational companies in the United Arab Emirates, 25
J. Angouri, R. Piekkari (2018)
Organising multilingually : setting an agenda for studying language at workEuropean Journal of International Management, 12
Phyllis Tharenou (2015)
Researching expatriate types: the quest for rigorous methodological approachesHuman Resource Management Journal, 25
A. Fish (2005)
Assisting Cross-Border Manager Adjustment: Psycho-Cultural and Socio-Cultural InterventionsPersonnel Review, 34
B. Opitz, Juliane Degner (2012)
Emotionality in a second language: It's a matter of timeNeuropsychologia, 50
R. Fredriksson, Wilhelm Barner‐Rasmussen, R. Piekkari (2006)
The multinational corporation as a multilingual organization: The notion of a common corporate languageCorporate Communications: An International Journal, 11
A. Malik, Ralf Bebenroth (2018)
Mind your language!: role of language in strategic partnerships and post-merger integrationJournal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing
Benjamin Bader (2017)
Motivations of Global Careers Among Expatriates in German Companies: A Comparison with the Year 2002
K. Okamoto, S. Teo (2011)
Convergence and divergence of role stress experience of locally hired Japanese and non-Japanese host country staff: a qualitative studyThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22
Anne-Wil Harzing, Markus Pudelko (2013)
Language competencies, policies and practices in multinational corporations: A comprehensive review and comparison of Anglophone, Asian, Continental European and Nordic MNCsJournal of World Business, 48
M. Freeman, Julie Olson-Buchanan (2013)
The Relations between Expatriate Personality and Language Fluency and Its Effect on Host Country Adjustment: An Empirical StudyThe International Journal of Management, 30
Umberto Eccher, Henrique Duarte (2018)
How images about emerging economies influence the willingness to accept expatriate assignmentsThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29
R. Marschan-Piekkari, D. Welch, L. Welch (1999)
In the shadow: the impact of language on structure, power and communication in the multinationalInternational Business Review, 8
K. Dhir (2005)
The value of language: concept, perspectives, and policiesCorporate Communications: An International Journal, 10
Henrik Simonsen (2009)
Communication policy, corporate language policy and corporate information portalJournal of Communication Management, 13
Alexandra Dylman, A. Bjärtå (2018)
When your heart is in your mouth: the effect of second language use on negative emotionsCognition and Emotion, 33
J. Blenkinsopp, Maryam Pajouh (2010)
Lost in translation? Culture, language and the role of the translator in international businessCritical Perspectives on International Business, 6
A. Graf (2004)
Expatriate Selection: An Empirical Study Identifying Significant Skill ProfilesThunderbird International Business Review, 46
J. Johanson, F. Wiedersheim-Paul (1975)
D. Maclean (2006)
Beyond English: Transnational corporations and the strategic management of language in a complex multilingual business environmentManagement Decision, 44
Haiying Kang, Jie Shen (2014)
International human resource management policies and practices of South Korean MNEs: a review of the literatureAsia Pacific Business Review, 20
Jean-Claude Usunier (2011)
Language as a resource to assess cross-cultural equivalence in quantitative management researchJournal of World Business, 46
Anne-Wil Harzing, Markus Pudelko (2014)
Hablas vielleicht un peu la mia language? A comprehensive overview of the role of language differences in headquarters–subsidiary communicationThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25
M. Latukha, A. Doleeva, Maria Järlström, T. Jokinen, R. Piekkari (2016)
Does corporate language influence career mobility? Evidence from MNCs in RussiaEuropean Management Journal, 34
Vesa Peltokorpi, Sachiko Yamao (2017)
Corporate language proficiency in reverse knowledge transfer: A moderated mediation model of shared vision and communication frequencyJournal of World Business, 52
Sarbari Bordia, P. Bordia (2015)
Employees’ willingness to adopt a foreign functional language in multilingual organizations: The role of linguistic identityJournal of International Business Studies, 46
B. Reiche, T. Neeley (2019)
Head, Heart, or Hands: How Do Employees Respond to a Radical Global Language Change over Time?Organization Science
Nathalie Aichhorn, Jonas Puck (2017)
Bridging the language gap in multinational companies: Language strategies and the notion of company-speakJournal of World Business, 52
Joanna Corey, Sayuri Hayakawa, Alice Foucart, M. Aparici, J. Botella, Albert Costa, B. Keysar (2017)
Our Moral Choices Are Foreign to UsJournal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 43
A. Feely, Anne-Wil Harzing (2002)
N. Holden, Snejina Michailova (2014)
A more expansive perspective on translation in IB research: Insights from the Russian Handbook of Knowledge ManagementJournal of International Business Studies, 45
Vesa Peltokorpi, E. Vaara (2014)
Knowledge transfer in multinational corporations: Productive and counterproductive effects of language-sensitive recruitmentJournal of International Business Studies, 45
Dan-Shang Wang, Taiwen Feng, S. Freeman, Di Fan, C. Zhu (2014)
Unpacking the "skill - cross-cultural competence" mechanisms : empirical evidence from Chinese expatriate managersInternational Business Review, 23
A. Chidlow, Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki, Catherine Welch (2014)
Translation in cross-language international business research: Beyond equivalenceJournal of International Business Studies, 45
Jakob Lauring, Hanne Tange (2010)
International language management: contained or dilute communicationEuropean Journal of International Management, 4
Minna Logemann, R. Piekkari (2015)
Localize or local lies? The power of language and translation in the multinational corporationCritical Perspectives on International Business, 11
Mukta Kulkarni (2015)
Language‐based diversity and faultlines in organizationsJournal of Organizational Behavior, 36
Claudine Gaibrois, C. Steyaert (2017)
Beyond possession and competitionInternational Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 17
K. Fisher, K. Hutchings (2013)
Making sense of cultural distance for military expatriates operating in an extreme contextJournal of Organizational Behavior, 34
Richard Babcock, Bertha Du-Babcock (2001)
Language-Based Communication Zones in International Business CommunicationJournal of Business Communication, 38
Vesa Peltokorpi (2010)
Intercultural communication in foreign subsidiaries: The influence of expatriates’ language and cultural competenciesScandinavian Journal of Management, 26
Anne-Wil Harzing, A. Feely (2008)
The language barrier and its implications for HQ‐subsidiary relationshipsCross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 15
Kent Neupert, C. Baughn, Thi Dao (2005)
International management skills for success in Asia: A needs‐based determination of skills for foreign managers and local managersJournal of European Industrial Training, 29
Kumi Ishii (2012)
Dual organizational identification among Japanese expatriates: the role of communication in cultivating subsidiary identification and outcomesThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23
Paula Caligiuri, Jean Phillips, M. Lazarova, I. Tarique, P. Burgi (2001)
The theory of met expectations applied to expatriate adjustment: the role of crosscultural trainingThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 12
L. Zhang, Anne-Wil Harzing (2016)
From dilemmatic struggle to legitimized indifference: Expatriates' host country language learning and its impact on the expatriate-HCE relationshipJournal of World Business, 51
P. Paulus, K. Muehlfeld (2017)
Host country language skills and expatriates’ cross-cultural adjustment in the presence of fear of terror, 5
Y. Wang, Emma Tran (2012)
Effects of cross-cultural and language training on expatriates’ adjustment and job performance in VietnamAsia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 50
Rosalie Tung (1982)
Selection and Training Procedures of U.S., European, and Japanese MultinationalsCalifornia Management Review, 25
Anne Bjørge, A. Sandvik, Sunniva Whittaker (2017)
The recontextualisation of values in the multilingual workplaceCorporate Communications: An International Journal, 22
Helene Tenzer, Markus Pudelko, Anne-Wil Harzing (2014)
The impact of language barriers on trust formation in multinational teamsJournal of International Business Studies, 45
K. Huff (2013)
Language, cultural intelligence and expatriate successManagement Research Review, 36
Vesa Peltokorpi, L. Clausen (2011)
Linguistic and cultural barriers to intercultural communication in foreign subsidiariesAsian Business & Management, 10
Geneviève Tréguer-Felten (2017)
The role of translation in the cross-cultural transferability of corporate codes of conductInternational Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 17
M. Brannen (2004)
When Mickey Loses Face: Recontextualization, Semantic Fit, and the Semiotics of ForeignnessAcademy of Management Review, 29
Stefan Volk, T. Koehler, Markus Pudelko (2013)
Brain Drain: The Cognitive Neuroscience of Foreign Language Processing in Multilingual Organizations, 2013
T. Neeley, T. Dumas (2015)
Unearned Status Gain: Evidence from a Global Language MandateAcademy of Management Journal, 59
L. Louhiala-Salminen, A. Kankaanranta (2012)
Language as an issue in international internal communication: English or local language? If English, what English?Public Relations Review, 38
Helene Tenzer, Markus Pudelko (2017)
The influence of language differences on power dynamics in multinational teamsJournal of World Business, 52
S. Itani, Maria Järlström, R. Piekkari (2015)
The meaning of language skills for career mobility in the new career landscapeJournal of World Business, 50
Vesa Peltokorpi (2017)
Absorptive capacity in foreign subsidiaries: The effects of language-sensitive recruitment, language training, and interunit knowledge transferInternational Business Review, 26
D. Kroon, J. Cornelissen, E. Vaara (2015)
Explaining Employees’ Reactions towards a Cross-Border Merger: The Role of English Language FluencyManagement International Review, 55
C. Brewster, W. Mayrhofer, Adam Smale (2016)
Crossing the streams: HRM in multinational enterprises and comparative HRMHuman Resource Management Review, 26
Y. Zeira, M. Banai (1984)
Present and Desired Methods of Selecting Expatriate Managers for International AssignmentsPersonnel Review, 13
J. Swift, James Wallace (2011)
Using English as the common corporate language in a German multinationalJournal of European Industrial Training, 35
M. Bhatti, M. Battour, A. Ismail (2013)
Expatriates adjustment and job performanceInternational Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 62
J. Selmer (2006)
Language ability and adjustment: Western expatriates in ChinaThunderbird International Business Review, 48
Ling Shi, Lei Wang (2013)
The Culture Shock and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Chinese Expatriates in International Business ContextsInternational Business Research, 7
Paula Caligiuri, M. Lazarova (2002)
A model for the influence of social interaction and social support on female expatriates' cross-cultural adjustmentThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 13
Adam Potter, Christopher Richardson (2019)
How ethnographic research can help conceptualize expatriate acculturationJournal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research
Jakob Lauring, J. Selmer (2010)
Multicultural organizations: Common language and group cohesivenessInternational Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 10
Jonas Puck, Markus Kittler, C. Wright (2008)
Does it really work? Re-assessing the impact of pre-departure cross-cultural training on expatriate adjustmentThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19
Laura Traavik, A. Richardsen (2010)
Career success for international professional women in the land of the equal? Evidence from NorwayThe International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21
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The purpose of this conceptual literature review is to investigate how language factors have been studied in the expatriate literature, and how cross-fertilisation with the broader language-sensitive international business and management field may facilitate integrated research of language in global work.Design/methodology/approachThis paper is based on a thematic review of expatriate research and international business and management literature. The findings are structured through Reiche et al.'s (2019) three-dimensional conceptualisation of global work, after which two frameworks are developed to conceptualise how language connects the three dimensions – actors, structures and processes.FindingsThe literature review demonstrates that language-related topics are yet to gain status in the expatriate tradition, and the majority of studies, which do consider linguistic factors appear largely dissociated from the growing community of language research in the broader international management and international business fields. However, once consolidated, the literature reveals that language is present in all dimensions of global work. A processual view of corporate language management highlights the central role of human resource management (HRM), while a dynamic multi-level perspective indicates that language may form bidirectional relationships between the three dimensions of global work.Originality/valueDue to the segmentation between language-sensitive research in the expatriate and international business/management traditions, few studies have considered the HRM implications of global mobility and the multifaceted nature of language at work. This conceptual literature review brings both perspectives together for a more contextualised and holistic view of language in international workforces.
Journal of Global Mobility The Home of Expatriate Management Research – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 12, 2020
Keywords: Language; Multilingualism; International business; Expatriate management; Global work
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