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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop an integrated measurement scale for an organizational learning system by capturing the learning enablers, learning results and performance outcome in an organization. Design/methodology/approach – A new measurement scale was developed by integrating and modifying two existing scales, identified through a literature survey. The new scale was validated through the responses of 502 managerial employees from 14 thermal power plants of the largest power company in India. Findings – There were scales, which measure learning enablers or learning achieved or learning in general or the relation between some forms of learning with performance. This study could integrate learning enablers at three levels, learning achieved at three levels, and the organizational outcome in the form of performance in a single scale. Research limitations/implications – The research study took place within the largest organization in one industry to control for potential industry effects across organizations. This may limit its generalizability. Practical implications – The integrated scale developed in the study will help to specifically look for the presence of learning enablers and learning outcomes at individual, group or organizational level and relate them with each other as well as performance. Hence it can be of importance in the study of learning organizations and furthering the understanding of the complex relations involved. Originality/value – This is the first study which clearly demarcates learning enablers at three levels, and learning achieved at three levels, and the organizational outcome in the form of performance in a single integrated scale.
The Learning Organization – Emerald Publishing
Published: May 25, 2010
Keywords: Learning organizations; Organizational performance; India
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