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This paper investigates the digital information practices of Afro-Latino youth, focusing on their engagement with mental health content on TikTok. It aims to understand how racial and ethnic identity dimensions shape their information behaviors in digital spaces.Design/methodology/approachEmploying qualitative methods, the study involved interviews with thirteen Afro-Latino teens. This exploratory approach, draws connections between Afro-Latino identity and information practices using three constructs: (i) typology of information practices, (ii) intersectionality, and (iii) assemblages.FindingsThe study reveals that Afro-Latino youth actively construct “information assemblages” and “algorithmic counterspaces” on TikTok, enabling them to engage with content that resonates with their identities. However, it also highlights the challenges posed by these spaces' temporary and algorithm-dependent nature in maintaining consistent engagement with mental health information.Research limitations/implicationsThe research is limited by its small sample size and focus on a single platform, which may affect generalizability. Future research should explore other platforms, and draw a deeper distinction between content creators and other users.Practical implicationsThis paper underscores the need for designers and educators to prioritize the importance of algorithmic literacy and design affordances that empower users to transparently understand algorithmic functionality, so as to support on-going engagement with algorithmic counterspaces.Originality/valueThis research offers novel insights into the digital information practices of Afro-Latino youth, a typically underrepresented group in academic research. It introduces new concepts in information science and digital media studies, highlighting the importance of intersectional identities in digital information practices.
Information and Learning Science – Emerald Publishing
Published: Oct 28, 2024
Keywords: Afro-Latinx teens; Mental health; Information practices; Counterspaces; Algorithmic design; TikTok; Intersectional identities; Afro-Latino youth
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