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Aircraft EngineeringA New Paper for a New Industry

Aircraft EngineeringA New Paper for a New Industry We have long believed that the time would come when Aeronautics would need a monthly journal of its own, similar to those already possessed by other industries, specifically catering for the men engaged on the design and construction of aircraft and those occupied in research work. That is to say, a scientific and technical journal for aeronautical engineers and professional men. It is to interest and assist these that will be our main object. It will be no part of our duty to indulge in propaganda directed to the education of the public in the manifold possibilities of aviation. Nor, at the other extreme, shall we direct our attention to the commercial operation of aircraft as such. We purpose, however, from time to time to deal with general and special uses of aircraft and their economic characteristics as they affect design, and this in regard to service as well as civil aircraft. Our net will be sufficiently wide, including as it will any and every matter that affects the drawing office, the workshop or the aerodrome, to justify the appearance of a new aeronautical paper. We do not feel that we shall be trespassing on any other preserves, for we believe that there is ample scope for what we conceive to be our limited activities without encroaching in any way on the multifarious interests of already established journals. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Emerald Publishing

Aircraft EngineeringA New Paper for a New Industry

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology , Volume 1 (1): 4 – Jan 1, 1929

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We have long believed that the time would come when Aeronautics would need a monthly journal of its own, similar to those already possessed by other industries, specifically catering for the men engaged on the design and construction of aircraft and those occupied in research work. That is to say, a scientific and technical journal for aeronautical engineers and professional men. It is to interest and assist these that will be our main object. It will be no part of our duty to indulge in propaganda directed to the education of the public in the manifold possibilities of aviation. Nor, at the other extreme, shall we direct our attention to the commercial operation of aircraft as such. We purpose, however, from time to time to deal with general and special uses of aircraft and their economic characteristics as they affect design, and this in regard to service as well as civil aircraft. Our net will be sufficiently wide, including as it will any and every matter that affects the drawing office, the workshop or the aerodrome, to justify the appearance of a new aeronautical paper. We do not feel that we shall be trespassing on any other preserves, for we believe that there is ample scope for what we conceive to be our limited activities without encroaching in any way on the multifarious interests of already established journals.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace TechnologyEmerald Publishing

Published: Jan 1, 1929

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