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Air Ministry Official Notices

Air Ministry Official Notices 22 AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING January, 1937 Instructions to Ground Engineers and Private Owners on Essential Modifications No . 36 of the year 1936 named at (c), (d) and (e) above can only be applicable to the new provisional typewritten In accordance with current airworthiness accepted provided tha t the application, together edition of Volume I. with the appropriate fees, is received 28 days approval procedure for such instruments and There are intentional discrepancies of detail before the elates specified, and provided also equipment as are covered by Civil Specifications, between the provisional new edition of Volume tha t the total number of applications received is duly authorised firms give a "certificate of I and the version in the present printed edition within the capacity of the board. Applicants compliance" guaranteeing that the Type of Air Publication 1208. Pending the publica­ whose applications are not accepted owing to instrument or item of equipment complies with tion of the definitive printed edition of Volume these provisions will be given the opportunity th e relevant Civil Specification. No certificate 1, applicants for certificates of airworthiness of early examination in London, or, alter­ of compliance is needed for Subsequent items, have the option of complying with cither of natively, of being placed on a watting list for Subsequent items being defined as items made the existing versions, supplemented in each th e next board to be held in the place in t o the same drawings and by the same workshop case by Amendment Lists as and when issued. question. processes as the Type item. I t is not intended to issue a provisional new Alteration to the design in any material Cancellation edition of Volume II, Inspection Section. respect automatically introduces a new Type Notice to Aircraft Owners and Ground November 12, 1936. and a fresh certificate of compliance must be Engineers No. 25 of the year 1936 is hereby completed covering the modified item. The cancelled. No . 40 of the year 1936 November 7, 1936. decision whether a modification is of sufficient importance to necessitate its being covered by Airscrews to the undermentioned designs have a fresh certificate of compliance rests with the been approved for certain types of aircraft, No . 38 of the year 1936 supervising A.I.D. Inspector. and additions should be made to the appro­ Details of a modification to the axle caps of When a revised Civil Specification is issued, priate Notices to Aircraft Owners and Ground D.H . 89 ("Dragon Rapide") aeroplanes are the additional or altered requirements will Engineers as follows : given in de Havilland Technical News Sheet usually be enforced only for new Type instru­ Drawing Issue Diameter Pitch No. 188. Owners of such aeroplanes or ground ments-or items of equipment certified after a No. No. in feet in feet Remarks engineers concerned with their maintenance date fixed specially in each case. Subsequent (i) Add the following design to Notice No. should apply to the de Havilland Aircraft items conforming to Types certified prior to 6 of 1931 : Company, Limited, Hatfield Aerodrome, Herts, the issue of the revised Civil Specification may AVIAN IV AEROPLANES for a copy of this publication. continue to be manufactured and used on civil (b) With "Cirrus III " Engine The above-mentioned modification is to be aircraft even though they may not conform to 345/4 .. .. — 6·56 4·5 — incorporated in D.H. 89 aeroplanes within three the latest issue of the Civil Specification, unless (ii) Add the following design to Notice No. months of the date of this Notice. Attention a definite instruction to the contrary is promul­ 4 of 1933 : is also drawn to the necessity for adjusting the gated. AVRO 504K AEROPLANES wheel brakes correctly, as described in para­ A difficulty will arise when a Type item which (f) With Viper Engine graph 7 of the Technical News Sheet referred to has been certified, for example, against issue Z.1151 .. .. — 7·88 5·45 — above. "A " of the relevant Civil Specification, is Certificates of Airworthiness of the aero­ (iii) Add the following design to Notice No. modified after issue "A " has been superseded planes concerned will be liable t o suspension or 12 of 1933 : by issue "B " of the Specification. In such cancellation if the modification has not been D.H . 82A (" TIGER MOTH ") AEROPLANES cases, unless a ruling to the contrary is given effected within the period stated above. in writing by the supervising A.I.D. Inspector, (a) With "Gipsy III " Engine Certificates of Airworthiness will not be the modified item must be brought into full D.II.5220/L .. — 6·33 4·75 — renewed and ground engineers must not sign conformity with issue "B " of the Civil Specifi­ (b) With "Gipsy Major" Engine Daily Certificates of Safety for Flight in cation and must be certified as complying with D.11.5220/1. .. — 6·33 4·75 — respect of these aeroplanes after the expiration that issue "B. " of the afore-mentioned period, unless the (iv) Add the following design to Notice No. Firms authorised to certify compliance with modification has been satisfactorily 50 of 1933, paragraph 1 : Civil Specifications must acknowledge receipt of incorporated. D.H. 84 ("DRAGON") AEROPLANES this Notice on the enclosed form, (a) With Two "Gipsy Major" Engines November 7, 1936. November 4, 1936. D.II.5212/C .. — 6·17 5·17 — (v) Add the following design to Notice No. No . 39 of the year 1936 No . 37 of the year 1936 50 of 1933, paragraph 2 : Examination Boards will sit for the purpose I t is intended to replace the present printed D.H . 85 (" LEOPARD MOTH ") AEROPLANES of examining applicants for ground engineers' edition of The Airworthiness Handbook for (a) With "Gipsy Major" Engine licences at the following places and times: Civil Aircraft (Air Publication 1208) by a new 61326A/X8 .. — 6·17 6·01 — (a) London, weekly, on each Tuesday in printed edition in two volumes: Volume I, (vi) Add the following design to Notice No. January, February and March, 1937. Design Section, and Volume II, Inspection 16 of 1936 : (b) Croydon, on the second Friday in Section. MILE S " HAWK " AEROPLANES January, February and March, 1937. Pending publication of the printed edition, a (d) With "Gipsy VIr" Engine (c) Manchester, on the first Friday in provisional edition of Volume I, Design Section, 61457 A/X 3 .. — 7·0 7·58 — March, 1937. has been issued in typewritten form, and copies November 18, 1936. {d) Bristol, on th e first Friday in January, of this can be obtained, price 6s. 0d. net., or 6s. 7d. post free, either direct from H.M. Stationery Office at one of the following (c) Glasgow, on the first Thursday in No . 43 for the year 1936 addresses: Adastral House, Kingsway, London, February, 1937. Civil Specification No. 14, relating to direc­ W.C.2 ; 120, George Street, Edinburgh 2; Applications for licences should be made on tional gyros, has now been issued, and copies 26, York Street, Manchester 1; 1, St. Andrew's C.A. Form 2B, which is obtainable on request, can be obtained, price 6d. net or 7d. post free, Crescent, Cardiff; 80, Chichester Street, and should be addressed to The Secretary, Air from H.M. Stationery Office at one of the Belfast; or through any bookseller. Ministry (C.A.2), Adastral House, Kingsway, following addresses : Adastral House, Kings- London, W.C.2. Applications for extensions This provisional edition of Volume I in­ way, London, W.C.2; 120, George Street, to existing licences will also be dealt with at corporates the substance of all Amendment Edinburgh 2 ; 26, York Street, Manchester 1, these boards, and such applications should be Lists (excluding amendments to the Inspection 1, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff; 80, Chiches­ Leallets) of the present printed edition of Air made on C.A. Form 2D to the above address. ter Street, Belfast; or thoug h any bookseller. Publication 1208, up to and including Amend­ When forwarding the application, the applicant Firms authorised to certify compliance with should indicate the provincial centre which he ment List No. 48. Until further notice, two Civil Specifications must acknowledge receipt of wishes to attend for examination, if he is versions of each future Amendment List will this Notice on the enclosed form. unable to take the examination in London. be issued, one applicable to the present printed edition of Air Publication 1208 and the other Application for examination at the centres December 5, 1936. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Emerald Publishing

Air Ministry Official Notices

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology , Volume 9 (1): 1 – Jan 1, 1937

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22 AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING January, 1937 Instructions to Ground Engineers and Private Owners on Essential Modifications No . 36 of the year 1936 named at (c), (d) and (e) above can only be applicable to the new provisional typewritten In accordance with current airworthiness accepted provided tha t the application, together edition of Volume I. with the appropriate fees, is received 28 days approval procedure for such instruments and There are intentional discrepancies of detail before the elates specified, and provided also equipment as are covered by Civil Specifications, between the provisional new edition of Volume tha t the total number of applications received is duly authorised firms give a "certificate of I and the version in the present printed edition within the capacity of the board. Applicants compliance" guaranteeing that the Type of Air Publication 1208. Pending the publica­ whose applications are not accepted owing to instrument or item of equipment complies with tion of the definitive printed edition of Volume these provisions will be given the opportunity th e relevant Civil Specification. No certificate 1, applicants for certificates of airworthiness of early examination in London, or, alter­ of compliance is needed for Subsequent items, have the option of complying with cither of natively, of being placed on a watting list for Subsequent items being defined as items made the existing versions, supplemented in each th e next board to be held in the place in t o the same drawings and by the same workshop case by Amendment Lists as and when issued. question. processes as the Type item. I t is not intended to issue a provisional new Alteration to the design in any material Cancellation edition of Volume II, Inspection Section. respect automatically introduces a new Type Notice to Aircraft Owners and Ground November 12, 1936. and a fresh certificate of compliance must be Engineers No. 25 of the year 1936 is hereby completed covering the modified item. The cancelled. No . 40 of the year 1936 November 7, 1936. decision whether a modification is of sufficient importance to necessitate its being covered by Airscrews to the undermentioned designs have a fresh certificate of compliance rests with the been approved for certain types of aircraft, No . 38 of the year 1936 supervising A.I.D. Inspector. and additions should be made to the appro­ Details of a modification to the axle caps of When a revised Civil Specification is issued, priate Notices to Aircraft Owners and Ground D.H . 89 ("Dragon Rapide") aeroplanes are the additional or altered requirements will Engineers as follows : given in de Havilland Technical News Sheet usually be enforced only for new Type instru­ Drawing Issue Diameter Pitch No. 188. Owners of such aeroplanes or ground ments-or items of equipment certified after a No. No. in feet in feet Remarks engineers concerned with their maintenance date fixed specially in each case. Subsequent (i) Add the following design to Notice No. should apply to the de Havilland Aircraft items conforming to Types certified prior to 6 of 1931 : Company, Limited, Hatfield Aerodrome, Herts, the issue of the revised Civil Specification may AVIAN IV AEROPLANES for a copy of this publication. continue to be manufactured and used on civil (b) With "Cirrus III " Engine The above-mentioned modification is to be aircraft even though they may not conform to 345/4 .. .. — 6·56 4·5 — incorporated in D.H. 89 aeroplanes within three the latest issue of the Civil Specification, unless (ii) Add the following design to Notice No. months of the date of this Notice. Attention a definite instruction to the contrary is promul­ 4 of 1933 : is also drawn to the necessity for adjusting the gated. AVRO 504K AEROPLANES wheel brakes correctly, as described in para­ A difficulty will arise when a Type item which (f) With Viper Engine graph 7 of the Technical News Sheet referred to has been certified, for example, against issue Z.1151 .. .. — 7·88 5·45 — above. "A " of the relevant Civil Specification, is Certificates of Airworthiness of the aero­ (iii) Add the following design to Notice No. modified after issue "A " has been superseded planes concerned will be liable t o suspension or 12 of 1933 : by issue "B " of the Specification. In such cancellation if the modification has not been D.H . 82A (" TIGER MOTH ") AEROPLANES cases, unless a ruling to the contrary is given effected within the period stated above. in writing by the supervising A.I.D. Inspector, (a) With "Gipsy III " Engine Certificates of Airworthiness will not be the modified item must be brought into full D.II.5220/L .. — 6·33 4·75 — renewed and ground engineers must not sign conformity with issue "B " of the Civil Specifi­ (b) With "Gipsy Major" Engine Daily Certificates of Safety for Flight in cation and must be certified as complying with D.11.5220/1. .. — 6·33 4·75 — respect of these aeroplanes after the expiration that issue "B. " of the afore-mentioned period, unless the (iv) Add the following design to Notice No. Firms authorised to certify compliance with modification has been satisfactorily 50 of 1933, paragraph 1 : Civil Specifications must acknowledge receipt of incorporated. D.H. 84 ("DRAGON") AEROPLANES this Notice on the enclosed form, (a) With Two "Gipsy Major" Engines November 7, 1936. November 4, 1936. D.II.5212/C .. — 6·17 5·17 — (v) Add the following design to Notice No. No . 39 of the year 1936 No . 37 of the year 1936 50 of 1933, paragraph 2 : Examination Boards will sit for the purpose I t is intended to replace the present printed D.H . 85 (" LEOPARD MOTH ") AEROPLANES of examining applicants for ground engineers' edition of The Airworthiness Handbook for (a) With "Gipsy Major" Engine licences at the following places and times: Civil Aircraft (Air Publication 1208) by a new 61326A/X8 .. — 6·17 6·01 — (a) London, weekly, on each Tuesday in printed edition in two volumes: Volume I, (vi) Add the following design to Notice No. January, February and March, 1937. Design Section, and Volume II, Inspection 16 of 1936 : (b) Croydon, on the second Friday in Section. MILE S " HAWK " AEROPLANES January, February and March, 1937. Pending publication of the printed edition, a (d) With "Gipsy VIr" Engine (c) Manchester, on the first Friday in provisional edition of Volume I, Design Section, 61457 A/X 3 .. — 7·0 7·58 — March, 1937. has been issued in typewritten form, and copies November 18, 1936. {d) Bristol, on th e first Friday in January, of this can be obtained, price 6s. 0d. net., or 6s. 7d. post free, either direct from H.M. Stationery Office at one of the following (c) Glasgow, on the first Thursday in No . 43 for the year 1936 addresses: Adastral House, Kingsway, London, February, 1937. Civil Specification No. 14, relating to direc­ W.C.2 ; 120, George Street, Edinburgh 2; Applications for licences should be made on tional gyros, has now been issued, and copies 26, York Street, Manchester 1; 1, St. Andrew's C.A. Form 2B, which is obtainable on request, can be obtained, price 6d. net or 7d. post free, Crescent, Cardiff; 80, Chichester Street, and should be addressed to The Secretary, Air from H.M. Stationery Office at one of the Belfast; or through any bookseller. Ministry (C.A.2), Adastral House, Kingsway, following addresses : Adastral House, Kings- London, W.C.2. Applications for extensions This provisional edition of Volume I in­ way, London, W.C.2; 120, George Street, to existing licences will also be dealt with at corporates the substance of all Amendment Edinburgh 2 ; 26, York Street, Manchester 1, these boards, and such applications should be Lists (excluding amendments to the Inspection 1, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff; 80, Chiches­ Leallets) of the present printed edition of Air made on C.A. Form 2D to the above address. ter Street, Belfast; or thoug h any bookseller. Publication 1208, up to and including Amend­ When forwarding the application, the applicant Firms authorised to certify compliance with should indicate the provincial centre which he ment List No. 48. Until further notice, two Civil Specifications must acknowledge receipt of wishes to attend for examination, if he is versions of each future Amendment List will this Notice on the enclosed form. unable to take the examination in London. be issued, one applicable to the present printed edition of Air Publication 1208 and the other Application for examination at the centres December 5, 1936.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace TechnologyEmerald Publishing

Published: Jan 1, 1937

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