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Studying the role of advertising music (ad music) in a retail context can be an emergence of new marketing practices. The purpose of this paper is to identify the potential usage and utility of ad music as an atmospheric stimulus in contrast to music (retail music) as an atmospheric stimulus. This paper also aims to provide a model, which depicts how ad music could be an alternative to retail music in retail settings with regard to consumers’ attitudinal influence and its optimistic correlation with related marketing outcomes.Design/methodology/approachThe paper reviewed the literature related to the role of retail music as an atmospheric stimulus and studies related to the role of music in the ad.FindingsAdvertising music as an atmospheric stimulus is more likely to influence consumers’ attitude towards advertising music, towards advertising and towards the advertised brand. Contrary to retail music, advertising music as an atmospheric stimulus may help a consumer for ad recall, ad message/brand information recall, brand recall, brand identification and brand recognition. Consequently, advertising music may always have an advantage over retail music with regard to purchase intent, brand choice and financial return.Practical implicationsThis work may encourage the advertisers for the proper usage of ad music as an atmospheric stimulus that may holistically magnify the saliency of advertising theoretically and practically.Originality/valueThis study is a novel attempt to conceptualise the potential scope of utilisation of ad music in the retail context.
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 7, 2019
Keywords: Atmospheric stimuli; Music in advertising (advertising music); Music in retail (retail music); Retail settings (multi-brand retail outlet)
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