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Purpose – Although the prior literature has examined gender in analysing the factors underlying departures from and career progression in public accounting practices, the inconclusive results that have been obtained and the evolution of the situation over time bring about opportunities for further research. The paper reported herein differs significantly from earlier studies in that it uses both qualitative methods and quantitative analysis to explore the underlying factors (including gender) behind advancement to partnership in certified public accountant (CPA) firms in Hong Kong. This paper aims to address these issues. Design/methodology/approach – Six variables are identified from the literature and used to develop a survey that is carried out amongst 241 CPAs in Hong Kong. The quantitative data collected are then supplemented by semi‐structured, face‐to‐face interviews with ten partners of CPA firms. Finally, logistic regression is employed to analyse the survey data and examine the associations between the six variables and advancement to partnership in CPA practices. Findings – The results of this paper refute those of the prior literature that have found “years of service in the firm”, “analytical ability” and “physical appearance” to have an influence on career progression or advancement to partnership in CPA practices. Instead, it is found that “social networking” and the “internal locus of control” have a positive influence on such advancement. Gender also plays a role, with males being the predominate partners of CPA practices in Hong Kong. Originality/value – The findings of this paper contribute to the accounting literature and enhance the understanding of the factors underlying advancement to partnership in CPA practices in Hong Kong. Future research is recommended to determine whether these findings can be replicated.
Managerial Auditing Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Sep 4, 2009
Keywords: Public sector accounting; Partners; Career development; Gender; Hong Kong
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