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This paper aims to focus on the evolution of nonprofit cultural institutions in Mexico and their relationship with Spain, regarding the four traditional elements of a marketing mix. Specifically, this paper examines marketing advancements in the digital environment, placing emphasis on the virtual exhibition Códices de México: Memorias y Saberes, as well as the marketing activities related to prehispanic and novohispanic codices between 2010 and 2022.Design/methodology/approachThe first part of the present study provides a chronological framework based on the four components of a marketing mix, illustrating the transition of Mexican and Spanish public cultural institutions from their foundations to current times. It particularly provides insight into their recent accomplishments in the digital environment, underscoring potential networking areas. The second part offers an in-depth examination of the exhibition Códices de México: Memorias y Saberes (INAH 2015) and a review of digital sources from Mexican government entities to investigate marketing activities related to prehispanic and novohispanic codices.FindingsDue to the historical approach used to document the transition of nonprofit cultural institutions in Mexico and Spain to the digital era, this article sheds lights on co-joint efforts in the digital marketing domain around prehispanic and novohispanic codices. Additionally, it illustrates the activities used by Mexican cultural institutions during the past two decades to disseminate knowledge on codices.Research limitations/implicationsRegarding the methodological aspects of using historical resources through digital archives, this study solely comprised marketing activities reported in the records available on the official portal of cultural institutions.Originality/valueThis study argues for the utility of the four components rooted in a traditional marketing mix as a tool to illustrate the evolution of marketing practices within the cultural heritage domain. It also highlights the role played by cultural institutions in Mexico and Spain in the digital environment to strategically network around cultural heritage. Additionally, it sheds light on the implementation of methods for presenting Mexican codices grounded in virtual terrain.
Journal of Historical Research in Marketing – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 21, 2024
Keywords: Mexico; Marketing strategy history; Marketing mix; Cultural heritage; Codices; Nonprofit cultural institutions
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