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B.M Scalet
Applicazione della direttiva 96/61/EC/IPPC all’industria del vetro italiana
A Brambati, R Marocco
Le discariche dei residui di lavorazione di bauxiti, fluorine e fosforiti nel Golfo di Venezia
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Direttiva comunitaria IPPC/BAT: Esame delle BAT e delle conseguenze della loro applicazione nei vari settori dell’industria vetraria
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Indagine sulla gestione ambientale dell’impresa nel Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia e Trentino Alto Adige
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The reduction of environmental impact by the glass industry : Achievements and future perspectivesInternational glass journal
Franco Brunello (1981)
Arti e mestieri a Venezia; nel medioevo e nel rinascimento
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I Vetrai di Murano. Condizioni di vita e di lavoro nel Novecento
G.O Jones
Le politiche ambientali delle prime cento imprese italiane
T Toninato, B.M Scalet, A Vianello, G Rigo, P Segato
Study of the environment in the Murano glass industry’
L Giusti, H. Zhang
Trace metals in the Venetian lagoon around the island of Murano (Venice, Italy)
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Vetro, un accordo per non morire
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L’Audit Ambientale
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Heavy Metals and Arsenic in Sediments, Mussels and Marine Water from Murano (Venice, Italy)Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 24
E Jachia, M. Bettanin
L’applicazione dell’audit ambientale in Italia: un’interpretazione statistic
V. Biondi, Fabio Iraldo, M. Marmorato (1999)
Sicurezza, ambiente e qualità: la gestione integrata nelle piccole e medie imprese industriali lombarde
Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro
G. Azzone, R. Bianchi, R. Mauri, G. Noci (1997)
Defining operating environmental strategies: programmes and plans within Italian industriesEnvironmental Management and Health, 8
C Moretti
Raw materials used by the Murano glass makers in the nineteenth century
P. Campaci
Gestione dei rifiuti speciali: esperienze e prospettive
The glassworks of Murano have been, and still are, one of the causes of environmental pollution of the Venetian Lagoon, primarily via atmospheric emissions but also as a result of effluent discharges and disposal of solid waste. A preliminary environmental audit of Murano's glassworks carried out in 1999 indicated that the local entrepreneurs see the adoption of environmental management systems and pollution-prevention/reduction measures as a major burden. The main reasons are the costs that must be borne, the complexities of Italian legislation and regulation, and the relatively small size of the majority of the units operating on this island. Pollution-control and waste-minimisation strategies are slowly being implemented as a result of regulatory pressures.
Environmental Management and Health – Emerald Publishing
Published: Mar 1, 2002
Keywords: Waste disposal; Italy; Environmental management strategy
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