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August , 1938 AIRCRAFT ENGINEERIN G 251 Th e P.Z.L. Wicher, a Monoplane Designed and Built on Modern Lines H E National Aircraft Establishment has in the past produced numerous inter esting and novel aeroplanes (one of these, th e P.Z.L.37, was described in AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING , July, 1938) and their entry into the field of air transport is an event of import ance. The machine is intended to replace the American Douglas and Lockheed aeroplanes now in use on the Polish Air Line, "Lot." Although it is built on fairly conventional principles and is not specially fast, it is of very robus t construction and is probably the fore runner of more interesting designs to come. The constructors claim that in considering this design they treated general safety as the main desideratum. Th e Main Plane A type of wing construction developed by P.Z.L. has been used for the cantilever main plane. It is built in the customary three parts, th e centre section attached to the fuselage carrying the engine nacelles and the under Th e Undercarriage Th e Fuselage carriage units, and port and starboard outer The undercarriage has folding compression The construction of the fuselage is a semi- sections. The stress-bearing skin of the wing legs which allow the wheels to come forward monocoque composed of U-section frames consists of a double shell on the top surface— as the units retract so that they lie partially held in place by light Z-section stringers and a corrugated inner skin and a smooth outer one in the nacelles when the machine is in flight. covered with riveted Alclad sheets. In the of heavy gauge Alclad sheets—and single The operation of the undercarriage is hydraulic illustrations the machine is shown with a Alclad plates of fairly heavy gauge on the bot with main engine-driven and emergency hand temporary plywood nose and auxiliary pitot tom. The ailerons are inset and of the Frise- pumps. tube, in service this will be replaced by the balanced type. Split flaps extend from aileron arrangement of landing lights shown in the Th e Tail Unit to aileron with no break beneath the fuselage. drawings. The control cabin is equipped for Extensive fillets join the trailing edge of the The tail plane is of stressed skin construction first and second pilots. A full range of blind- centre section to the fuselage. with Alclad covering. The twin fins mounted Hying instruments and, in addition, a Sperry a t the extremities are metal skinned. Rudder Automatic Pilot are carried. The cabin has and elevator are fabric covered. 1-4 seats of the adjustable, fully reclining type. PRINCIPA L CHARACTERISTICS. Among the safety features claimed by the The height of the cabin is 6 feet and the width 23·8 m . (78 ft. 11 ill.) Span .. .. .. .. 18·45 in. (60ft. 6 in.) over 5 feet, so that it is amply proportioned. makers are a complete de-icing system on Lengt h . . . . . . . . 4·8 in. (15 ft. 9 in.) Height .. .. .. .. Behind the main cabin there is a baggage hold wings, tail surfaces and airscrews and very 7·5 sq . in. (808 sq. ft.) Win g Area .. .. .. .. Structur e weight. . .. 3,280 kg . (7,231 lb.) with a door in the port side of the fuselage. good performance on one engine. To assist Power plant .. .. .. .. 1,819 kg. (4,010 lb.) in the event of the failure of one engine jettison Weigh t empt y (bare) .. 5,009 kg. (11, 241 lb.) Wright Cyclone G2's are the standard valves are fitted to the petrol tank so tha t half Weigh t empt y (equipped) .. 5,990 kg. (13,205 lb.) engines. They are carried in streamline Crew (4), wireless, fuel and od 1,830 kg. (3,963 lb.) th e fuel supply may be released. At present nacelles, well ahead of the leading edge of the Pa y load (14 passengers, bag- 1,441) kg. (3,175 lb.) Hamilton-Standard constant-speed airscrews gage , mail and freight) wing and are enclosed in N.A.C.A. long chord Weigh t loaded .. .. 9,260 kg. (20,415 1b.) are fitted and it will be interesting to see if one cowlings. The engine mountings are built Permissible Overload .. .. 240 kg. (529 lb.) of the new fully-feathering types is to be Win g loading .. .. .. 123·5 kg./sq. in. (25·2fi Ib./sc). ft.) of welded steel tubes. Welded aluminium Spa n loading .... .. 388 kg./sq . in. (79·38 lb./sq . ft.) adopted on production machines. petrol tanks are mounted in the centre section. 1,800 litres (396 gals.) Fuel .. .. .. .. 110 litres (24·2 gals.) Oil .. .. .. .. PERFORMANCE Max. speed at sea level 355 km.p.h. (220·6 m.p.h.) Max . speed a t 2,000 m. (6,560 377, (234·3 m.p.h.) ft.).. .. .. .. Cruising (62·5% power) at 324 km.p.h. (2014 m.p.h.) 4,001) m . (13,123 ft.) Stallin g speed, sea level 110 km.p.h. (68·-4 m.p.h.) Take-olf run .. .. .. 250 m . (273 yds.) Laudin g run .. .. .. 300 ni. (328 yds.) Norma l range (62·5% power) 1,840 kin. (1,144 miles) Initia l rate of climb .. .. (6·9 m/sec . (1,358 ft./min.) Service ceiling .. .. .. 6,300 m. (20,669 ft.) Absolute ceiling .. 6,700 m. (21,981 ft.) Service ceiling on on e engine . . 2,000 in. (6,560 ft.)
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 1, 1938
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