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P. Senge (1997)
THE FIFTH DISCIPLINEMeasuring Business Excellence, 1
Henry Mintzberg (1994)
The Fall and Rise of Strategic PlanningHarvard Business Review, 72
T.J. Peters, R.H. Waterman
In Search of Excellence
S. Drew, Peter Smith (1995)
The learning organization: “change proofing” and strategyThe Learning Organization, 2
J. Collins, J. Porras
Built to Last
D. Limerick, R. Passfield, B. Cunnington (1994)
Transformational Change: Towards an Action Learning OrganizationThe Learning Organization, 1
G. Wills (1995)
Embracing electronic publishingInternet Res., 6
Nereu Kock, R. McQueen, Megan Baker (1996)
Learning and process improvement in knowledge organizations: a critical analysis of four contemporary mythsThe Learning Organization, 3
M. Crichton
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Using the benefits of hindsight ‐ the role of post‐project analysisThe Learning Organization, 3
A. Mumford (1994)
Four Approaches to Learning from ExperienceThe Learning Organization, 1
Aims to address the question “What does a learning organization learn about?” Proposes a syllabus approach which covers six key areas; learning about one’s job in the organization; learning about alignment of culture, values and strategy; learning about the likely future; learning about the organization’s supply chains; learning how to challenge existing norms and ways of thinking; and developing an organizational memory. Discusses action learning as a developmental methodology which can address most of these syllabus areas. Concludes each section with prescriptive recommendations for practitioners.
The Learning Organization – Emerald Publishing
Published: Mar 1, 1996
Keywords: Action learning; Learning organizations; Management development
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