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A Hybrid PushPull Production Control System for Multistage Manufacturing Processes

A Hybrid PushPull Production Control System for Multistage Manufacturing Processes Recently, it has been recognized that production control systemsfor multistage manufacturing processes can be classified into pushtypeand pulltype systems. The pushtype systems are commonly defined asthose types of materials requirements planning system which utilize theforecast of demands. The pulltype systems, on the other hand, are thosewhere order quantities are determined on the basis of real demand.Describes a hybrid pushpull production control system, operatedperiodically, which combines the benefits of both systems. Discussestheoretical arguments in support of this system and numerical studiesare shown to give insight into the systems performance. Hybridpushpulltype systems can attain a higher degree of effectiveness ifthey are appropriately operated. International Journal of Operations & Production Management Emerald Publishing

A Hybrid PushPull Production Control System for Multistage Manufacturing Processes

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Emerald Publishing
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Recently, it has been recognized that production control systemsfor multistage manufacturing processes can be classified into pushtypeand pulltype systems. The pushtype systems are commonly defined asthose types of materials requirements planning system which utilize theforecast of demands. The pulltype systems, on the other hand, are thosewhere order quantities are determined on the basis of real demand.Describes a hybrid pushpull production control system, operatedperiodically, which combines the benefits of both systems. Discussestheoretical arguments in support of this system and numerical studiesare shown to give insight into the systems performance. Hybridpushpulltype systems can attain a higher degree of effectiveness ifthey are appropriately operated.


International Journal of Operations & Production ManagementEmerald Publishing

Published: Apr 1, 1992

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