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A feedforward and feedback framework for analysing an organisation’s resources, capabilities and development needs

A feedforward and feedback framework for analysing an organisation’s resources, capabilities and... The success of an organisation is measured by the progress its people make towards its goals and objectives. But, most organisations today operate in fast changing and competitive environments. In turn, these unpredictable conditions impact on the organisation’s internal operations. As a result, established skills and competences can become obsolete. Strong and appropriate competences can enhance an organisation’s performance. Strategic managers then need to ensure that their organisational skills and competences remain of an appropriate mix and measure. They need to continuously develop and/or renew the skills and capabilities of their workforce. Identifying what skills need renewing is not easy but very necessary. Identifying them quickly is harder still. An easy to follow framework that can be adapted at the various levels within the organisation’s structure could prove useful as a consistent and relatively speedy format for analysing the organisation’s resources, capabilities and development needs. This paper supports the use of such a framework. Health Manpower Management Emerald Publishing

A feedforward and feedback framework for analysing an organisation’s resources, capabilities and development needs

Health Manpower Management , Volume 24 (6): 10 – Dec 1, 1998

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The success of an organisation is measured by the progress its people make towards its goals and objectives. But, most organisations today operate in fast changing and competitive environments. In turn, these unpredictable conditions impact on the organisation’s internal operations. As a result, established skills and competences can become obsolete. Strong and appropriate competences can enhance an organisation’s performance. Strategic managers then need to ensure that their organisational skills and competences remain of an appropriate mix and measure. They need to continuously develop and/or renew the skills and capabilities of their workforce. Identifying what skills need renewing is not easy but very necessary. Identifying them quickly is harder still. An easy to follow framework that can be adapted at the various levels within the organisation’s structure could prove useful as a consistent and relatively speedy format for analysing the organisation’s resources, capabilities and development needs. This paper supports the use of such a framework.


Health Manpower ManagementEmerald Publishing

Published: Dec 1, 1998

Keywords: Competences; Management development; Organizational development; Skills

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