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R. Wytch, C. Mitchell, D. Wardlaw, W. Ledingham, I. Ritchie (1987)
Mechanical assessment of polyurethane impregnated fibreglass bandages for splintingProsthetics and Orthotics International, 11
J. Luck (1944)
By Monro (1935)
The history of plaster‐of‐paris in the treatment of fracturesBritish Journal of Surgery, 23
Since earliest history, splintage materials have been used forimmobilisation of injuries, especially fractures. The use of gypsum inthis domain dates from the eleventh century and remains in common usagetoday. Lighter materials have been produced in an attempt to improveperformance. The authors examined 180 patients comprising 90 upper limband 90 lower limb with 30 in each of the three groups, traditionalgypsum fibreglass and new polypropylene. The gypsum cast remains thecheapest at an average cost of 3.51 per patient compared to7.18 for fibreglass and 7.45 for polypropylene upperlimb. However, the noncost advantages of the new product which wereidentified may make this extra expense worthwhile in selected cases.
Journal of Management in Medicine – Emerald Publishing
Published: Apr 1, 1991
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