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This study aims to propose a conceptual framework to capture the essence of memorable experiences.Design/methodology/approachA conceptual framework based on the service marketing and tourism literature is proposed to understand how memorable experiences are co-created. A particular context is presented to test the hypotheses using structural equation modelling. The quantitative findings are further explained using qualitative data.FindingsThe findings show that co-creation, novelty, theming and storytelling serve as antecedents of entertainment, education, escapism and esthetics, consequently resulting in positive memorable experiences.Research limitations/implicationsThis study aids researchers and managers in understanding and co-creating memorable customer experiences.Originality/valueThe metaphor of the journey may help to rethink business models by implementing practices suggested by both marketing and tourism research.
Journal of Consumer Marketing – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jan 16, 2023
Keywords: Co-creation; Experience economy; Memorable experiences; Metaphor of the journey; Novelty; Theming and storytelling
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