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Designers must recognise the significance of a brand logo’s visual elements as they convey various meanings. While studies have attempted to collate visual elements, efforts have often been limited to specific types of visual elements (e.g. typefaces) or restricted to certain product categories. This study aims to conceptualise a comprehensive list of visual elements used in brand logos and to validate it based on the top 500 global brand logos across eight product categories.Design/methodology/approachA comprehensive list was conceptualised through a combination of literature review, interviews with experts and observations of real brand logos. Using this exhaustive compilation, content analysis of the top 500 global brand logos was conducted to discern the prevalent trends of the visual elements in logos across various product categories.FindingsThe content analysis results highlighted an extensive preference for use of wordmark, no outline and horizontal proportion in brand logos. Overall, 42.6% and 31% of brands preferred using cool and neutral colours, respectively. Moreover, the preference for colour categories (warm/cool/neutral), font types (organic/geometric) and stacking of elements (horizontal/vertical/diagonal) varied across product categories.Originality/valueThis study contributes to the literature by creating a comprehensive guidebook of visual elements of logos. It also offers guidance to in-house and third-party designers of companies for logo design to better understand the nuances of intellectual property related to logo elements and assists managers in comparing their brands’ visual identity with those of their competitors.
Journal of Product & Brand Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 26, 2024
Keywords: Design; Colour; Content analysis; Brand logo; Visual elements; Semiotics theory; Typeface
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