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Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal

Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal Wendelin J. Watson In 1983 the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus gave its blessing on a project to produce the first African-American Catholic hymnal. It was an undertaking which in many respects culminated the numerous developments which had taken place in the Roman Catholic Church over the last two decades. A brief overview of these events might partly explain the success of the hymnal project. On December 4, 1963, the Second Vatican Council challenged the Catholic Church to make ethnic, national, and racial in cul turation an essential part· of parish worship. With this sanctioning Black Catholics began incorporating gospel music in their Masses. And the Josephites, who are dedicated to the "mission of Christ in ser ice to the spiritual, social and education needs of Black Americans," established the Josephite Pastoral Center in 1968, the first Catholic institution to publish material directly oriented to the African-Amer­ ican Catholic community. In 1972, the Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy issued a series of guidelines for the liturgical renewal by urging the liturgical community to "continue its vigorous pursuit of cultural adaptation in North America." Inherently related to these developments is a Black Sacred Music Duke University Press

Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal

Black Sacred Music , Volume 3 (1) – Mar 1, 1989

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Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal Wendelin J. Watson In 1983 the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus gave its blessing on a project to produce the first African-American Catholic hymnal. It was an undertaking which in many respects culminated the numerous developments which had taken place in the Roman Catholic Church over the last two decades. A brief overview of these events might partly explain the success of the hymnal project. On December 4, 1963, the Second Vatican Council challenged the Catholic Church to make ethnic, national, and racial in cul turation an essential part· of parish worship. With this sanctioning Black Catholics began incorporating gospel music in their Masses. And the Josephites, who are dedicated to the "mission of Christ in ser ice to the spiritual, social and education needs of Black Americans," established the Josephite Pastoral Center in 1968, the first Catholic institution to publish material directly oriented to the African-Amer­ ican Catholic community. In 1972, the Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy issued a series of guidelines for the liturgical renewal by urging the liturgical community to "continue its vigorous pursuit of cultural adaptation in North America." Inherently related to these developments is a


Black Sacred MusicDuke University Press

Published: Mar 1, 1989

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