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AbstractThis work presents a novel combining method called ‘orthogonalizing ORing ◯∨$\bigcirc\!\!\!\!\!\!\vee $’ which enables the building of the union of two conjunctions whereby the result consists of disjointed conjunctions. The advantage of this novel technique is that the results are already presented in an orthogonal form which has a significant advantage for further calculations as the Boolean Differential Calculus. By orthogonalizing ORing two calculation steps - building the disjunction and the subsequent orthogonalization of two conjunctions - are performed in one step. Postulates, axioms and rules for this linking technique are also defined which have to be considered getting correct results. Additionally, a novel equation, based on orthogonalizing ORing, is set up for orthogonalization of every Boolean function of disjunctive form. Thus, disjointed Sum of Products can be easily calculated in a mathematical way by this equation.
Open Mathematics – de Gruyter
Published: Apr 26, 2018
Keywords: Disjoint Sum of Products; Orthogonalization; Disjunctive Form; Conjunction; K-map; 03B99; 03G05; 03G25; 94C10
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