Locomotion, Limb Proportions, and Skeletal Allometry in Lemurs and Lorises
Locomotion, Limb Proportions, and Skeletal Allometry in Lemurs and Lorises
Jungers, William L.
1979-12-22 00:00:00
The allometric patterns of postcranial scaling in lemurs (Lemuridae and Indriidae) and lorises (Lorisinae) are established and discussed in relation to locomotor and postural adaptations. The scaling trends of each limb and its components vary significantly among these three prosimian groups, but all are functionally explicable in reference to habitual locomotor behavior and details of substrate utilization.
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Locomotion, Limb Proportions, and Skeletal Allometry in Lemurs and Lorises
The allometric patterns of postcranial scaling in lemurs (Lemuridae and Indriidae) and lorises (Lorisinae) are established and discussed in relation to locomotor and postural adaptations. The scaling trends of each limb and its components vary significantly among these three prosimian groups, but all are functionally explicable in reference to habitual locomotor behavior and details of substrate utilization.
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