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Brief Report Folia Primatol 1997;68:366-369 Received: April 29. 1996 Accepted after revision: October 18, 1996 Does Female Rank or Age Affect Mate Choice in Free-Ranging Rhesus Macaques? Joseph H. Munson Department o f Anthropology. University o f California. Los Angeles, Calif.. USA Key Words Female choice • Mating patterns • Dominance • Aggression • Aging • Macaco mulatto ■ Rhesus macaque • Cayo Santiago Introduction Estrous female rhesus macaques (Macaco mulatto) at Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico, have been reported to (a) maintain spatial proximity more actively to males with which they engage in more periovulatory copulations [1] and (b) maintain proximity more actively to lower-ranking than to higher-ranking males [1], even though (c) estrous females experienced more escalated male aggression while in proximity to lower-ranking than higher-ranking males [2], In this paper, I address the hitherto unanswered question o f whether these find ings apply to Cayo Santiago rhesus macaque females generally, or whether they vary with female rank or age. There are theoretical and empirical reasons to expect rank and age to affect female prim ates’ mating options, mating tactics and costs o f mate choice. For instance, high-ranking females may be less vulnerable than low-ranking females to
Folia Primatologica – Brill
Published: Feb 14, 1997
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