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Methodologies for data quality assessment and improvement

Methodologies for data quality assessment and improvement The literature provides a wide range of techniques to assess and improve the quality of data. Due to the diversity and complexity of these techniques, research has recently focused on defining methodologies that help the selection, customization, and application of data quality assessment and improvement techniques. The goal of this article is to provide a systematic and comparative description of such methodologies. Methodologies are compared along several dimensions, including the methodological phases and steps, the strategies and techniques, the data quality dimensions, the types of data, and, finally, the types of information systems addressed by each methodology. The article concludes with a summary description of each methodology. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) Association for Computing Machinery

Methodologies for data quality assessment and improvement

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Association for Computing Machinery
Copyright © 2009 by ACM Inc.
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The literature provides a wide range of techniques to assess and improve the quality of data. Due to the diversity and complexity of these techniques, research has recently focused on defining methodologies that help the selection, customization, and application of data quality assessment and improvement techniques. The goal of this article is to provide a systematic and comparative description of such methodologies. Methodologies are compared along several dimensions, including the methodological phases and steps, the strategies and techniques, the data quality dimensions, the types of data, and, finally, the types of information systems addressed by each methodology. The article concludes with a summary description of each methodology.


ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)Association for Computing Machinery

Published: Jul 1, 2009

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