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How fo Make Meefings Work. Berkeley cial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication Publishing Group
E. Coffman, M. Elphick, A. Shoshani (1971)
System DeadlocksACM Comput. Surv., 3
A. Birrell, B. Nelson (1984)
Implementing remote procedure callsACM Trans. Comput. Syst., 2
The Loops Manual
Panko. R.R. Office work. Off. Techml. People
J. Lederberg (1978)
Digital communications and the conduct of science: The new literacyProceedings of the IEEE, 66
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Smalltalk-80: The Language and Its Implementation
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A research center for augmenting human intellectProceedings of the December 9-11, 1968, fall joint computer conference, part I
R. Metcalfe (1988)
Ethernet: distributed packet switching for local computer networks
The De/phi Mefhod: Techtiiques and Applicatiorls
R. Trigg, M. Weiser (1986)
TEXTNET: a network-based approach to text handlingACM Trans. Inf. Syst., 4
A. System deadlocks. ACM Con~put. Surv
P. Bernstein, N. Goodman (1986)
Concurrency Control in Distributed Database SystemsACM Comput. Surv., 13
M. Stefik, D. Bobrow, S. Lanning, D. Tatar, G. Foster (1986)
WYSIWIS revised: early experiences with multi-user interfaces
Outline processors catch on
S. Sarin, I. Greif (1985)
Computer-Based Real-Time Conferencing SystemsComputer, 18
R. Johansen (1984)
Teleconferencing and beyond: communications in the office of the future
D. Bobrow, J. Burchfiel, D. Murphy, R. Tomlinson (1972)
TENEX: a paged time sharing system for the PDP-10
S. Sarin (1984)
Interactive on-line conferences
P. Hansen (1973)
Operating System Principles
S. Hiltz, M. Turoff (1981)
The evolution of user behavior in a computerized conferencing systemCommun. ACM, 24
J. Donahue, J. Widom (1986)
Whiteboards: a graphical database toolACM Trans. Inf. Syst., 4
B. Sheil (1986)
Power tools for programmers
As we may think. Atlunlic Morn
A. Birrell, B. Nelson (1983)
Implementing Remote procedure calls
R. Trigg, L. Suchman, F. Halasz (1986)
Supporting collaboration in notecards
G. Foster (1986)
Collaborative Systems and Multi-user Interfaces
M. Turoff (1971)
Delphi conferencing: Computer-based conferencing with anonymityTechnological Forecasting and Social Change, 3
R. Metcalfe, David Boggs (1976)
Ethernet: distributed packet switching for local computer networksCommun. ACM, 26
Computer supported conference rooms: Final report of a state of the art study
Literary Machi,rrs
D. Bobrow, J. Burchfiel, D. Murphy, R. Tomlinson (1972)
TENEX, a paged time sharing system for the PDP - 10Commun. ACM, 15
Peter Denning (1970)
Virtual Memory
Inferlisp Reference Manual
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A group decision support system for idea generation and issue analysis in organization planning
S. Hiltz, M. Turoff (1979)
Network Nation: Human Communication Via Computer
R. Johansen, J. Vallee, K. Spangler (1979)
Electronic Meetings: Technical Alternatives
Although individual use of computers is fairly widespread, in meetings we tend to leave them behind. At Xerox PARC, an experimental meeting room called the Colab has been created to study computer support of collaborative problem solving in face-to-face meetings. The long-term goal is to understand how to build computer tools to make meetings more effective.
Communications of the ACM – Association for Computing Machinery
Published: Jan 1, 1987
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