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R. Stagner, C. Osgood (1941)
An Experimental Analysis of a Nationalistic frame of ReferenceJournal of Social Psychology, 14
P. Tannenbaum (1953)
Attitudes Toward Source and Concept as Factors in Attitude Change Throughcommunications
J. Klapper, P. Lazarsfeld (1949)
The effects of mass media
H. Birch (1945)
The effect of socially disapproved labeling upon a well-structured attitude.The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 40
C. Osgood (1952)
The nature and measurement of meaning.Psychological bulletin, 49 3
H. Remmers, Ella Silance (1934)
Generalized Attitude ScalesJournal of Social Psychology, 5
"This paper describes a general theory of attitude change which takes into account original attitude toward the source of the message, original attitude toward the concept evaluated by the source, and the nature of the evaluative assertion. Predicted changes in attitude toward both source and concept are based upon the combined operation of a principle of congruity, a principle of susceptibility as a function of polarization, and a principle of resistance due to incredulity for incongruous messages. Comparison of predictions with data obtained in a recent experiment provides a test of the theory." The authors indicate that they are aware that there are many other variables than those considered in this article which contribute to attitude change.
Psychological Review – American Psychological Association
Published: Jan 1, 1955
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