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Operationism and the concept of perception

Operationism and the concept of perception "Perception is conceived as a process intervening between stimuli and responses. As such it can be viewed as a concept whose properties may be delimited by converging operations. Converging operations are any set of experimental operations which eliminate alternative hypotheses and which can lead to a concept which is not uniquely identified with any of the original operations, but is defined by the results of all operations performed . . . . Illustrations from current experimental problems in perception indicate how some response characteristics may be isolated from perceptual properties, and vice versa." Psychological Review American Psychological Association

Operationism and the concept of perception

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American Psychological Association
Copyright © 1956 American Psychological Association
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"Perception is conceived as a process intervening between stimuli and responses. As such it can be viewed as a concept whose properties may be delimited by converging operations. Converging operations are any set of experimental operations which eliminate alternative hypotheses and which can lead to a concept which is not uniquely identified with any of the original operations, but is defined by the results of all operations performed . . . . Illustrations from current experimental problems in perception indicate how some response characteristics may be isolated from perceptual properties, and vice versa."


Psychological ReviewAmerican Psychological Association

Published: May 1, 1956

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