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Factor analysis of social and abstract intelligence

Factor analysis of social and abstract intelligence An attempt to determine whether the George Washington social intelligence test measures any unitary trait which is distinct from the ability measured by an abstract intelligence test (George Washington mental alertness test). Thurstone's simplified method of factor analysis was used. The conclusion is that the social intelligence test may tap slightly some unique field of ability, but that it measures primarily the ability to understand and work with words which bulks so large in an abstract intelligence test. Journal of Educational Psychology American Psychological Association

Factor analysis of social and abstract intelligence

Journal of Educational Psychology , Volume 27 (3): 3 – Mar 1, 1936

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American Psychological Association
Copyright © 1936 American Psychological Association
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An attempt to determine whether the George Washington social intelligence test measures any unitary trait which is distinct from the ability measured by an abstract intelligence test (George Washington mental alertness test). Thurstone's simplified method of factor analysis was used. The conclusion is that the social intelligence test may tap slightly some unique field of ability, but that it measures primarily the ability to understand and work with words which bulks so large in an abstract intelligence test.


Journal of Educational PsychologyAmerican Psychological Association

Published: Mar 1, 1936

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