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Construct validity: A Critique

Construct validity: A Critique "The renaming of the process of building a theory of behavior by the new term "construct validity' contributes nothing to the understanding of the process nor to the usefulness of the concepts. The introduction into discussion of psychological theorizing of the aspects of construct validity discussed . . . creates, at best, unnecessary confusion and at worst, a nonempirical, nonscientific approach to the study of behavior." Terminology of logical behaviorism and techniques of an "operational methodology" are preferred. "It is . . . recommended that the formulation of construct validity, as presented in the several papers noted in this critique, be eliminated from further consideration as a way of speaking about psychological concepts, laws, and theories." American Psychologist American Psychological Association

Construct validity: A Critique

American Psychologist , Volume 14 (10): 11 – Oct 1, 1959

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American Psychological Association
Copyright © 1959 American Psychological Association
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"The renaming of the process of building a theory of behavior by the new term "construct validity' contributes nothing to the understanding of the process nor to the usefulness of the concepts. The introduction into discussion of psychological theorizing of the aspects of construct validity discussed . . . creates, at best, unnecessary confusion and at worst, a nonempirical, nonscientific approach to the study of behavior." Terminology of logical behaviorism and techniques of an "operational methodology" are preferred. "It is . . . recommended that the formulation of construct validity, as presented in the several papers noted in this critique, be eliminated from further consideration as a way of speaking about psychological concepts, laws, and theories."


American PsychologistAmerican Psychological Association

Published: Oct 1, 1959

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