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Second Class Postage Paid Journal of Applied at Boston, MA and additional mailing offices. Meteorology (issn 0894-8763 ) Prince and Lemon Sts., Lancaster, PA 17604 RETUR N POSTAGE GUARANTEED Printed in the United States of America Contents Vol. 30, No. 12, December 1991 ARTICLES Evaluation of Local Similarity Functions in the Convective Boundary Layer ZBIGNIE W SORBJAN 1565-1583 In-Flight Winds from the Drift of a Rocket Exhaust Trail PRAKASH M. DOLA S 1584-1595 Some Interior Observations of Southeastern Montana Hailstorms D ENNI S J. MUSIL , SUNDAR A . CHRISTOPHER, REGINA A . DEOLA, AN D PAU L L . SMITH 1596-1612 Retrieval of Surface Heat and Moisture Fluxes from Slow-launched Radiosondes E RI C A . SMITH, H ARR Y J. COOPER, WILLIAM L. CROSSON, AN D D ONAL D D . DELOREY 1613-1626 Latent Heat Flux over the North Atlantic Ocean—A Case Study SUSANN E CREWELL, EBERHARD RUPRECHT , AND CLEMENS SIMMER 1627-1635 A Proposed Technique for Diagnosis by Radar of Hurricane Structure R ALP H J. DONALDSON , JR. 1636-1645 Midtroposphere Wind Speed Spectra from Long-Term Wind Profiler Measurements . . . A . S. FRISCH, B. B. STANKOV, B. E . MARTNER , AND J
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society – American Meteorological Society
Published: Dec 1, 1991
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