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READINGS BOOK REVIEWS CLIMATOLOGY (THIRD EDITION) Robert V. Rohli and Anthony J. Vega, 2015, 443 pp., $104.76, paperback, Jones & Bartlett Learning, ISBN 978-1-284-03230-7 ike many of you, I have been searching for the In areas with which I am familiar, I found num - er ideal textbook for my senior-level undergraduao te u s mistakes. In the section on volcanic eruptions, L meteorology course, Climate Dynamics. Now th ey say that the primordial atmosphere came from that such a course is part of the AMS recommen - daoutgassing of molten rock. They use “vog” to c-har tion for a B.S. curriculum in atmospheric sciencesa , I cterize stratospheric aerosols. They would imagine every department now teaches such a explain that SO combines with dust course. I had tried Dennis Hartmann G’s lobal Physi- particles to form vog. And they claim cal Climatology in the past, but it is at a little too high that persistent volcanism helps “ma - in of a level and is quite out of date. Hartmann says thte ain Earth’s rather steady climate.” new edition will soon be available, and I will consid T eh re y quantify famous recent eru -p it once again Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society American Meteorological Society

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BOOK REVIEWS CLIMATOLOGY (THIRD EDITION) Robert V. Rohli and Anthony J. Vega, 2015, 443 pp., $104.76, paperback, Jones & Bartlett Learning, ISBN 978-1-284-03230-7 ike many of you, I have been searching for the In areas with which I am familiar, I found num - er ideal textbook for my senior-level undergraduao te u s mistakes. In the section on volcanic eruptions, L meteorology course, Climate Dynamics. Now th ey say that the primordial atmosphere came from that such a course is part of the AMS recommen - daoutgassing of molten rock. They use “vog” to c-har tion for a B.S. curriculum in atmospheric sciencesa , I cterize stratospheric aerosols. They would imagine every department now teaches such a explain that SO combines with dust course. I had tried Dennis Hartmann G’s lobal Physi- particles to form vog. And they claim cal Climatology in the past, but it is at a little too high that persistent volcanism helps “ma - in of a level and is quite out of date. Hartmann says thte ain Earth’s rather steady climate.” new edition will soon be available, and I will consid T eh re y quantify famous recent eru -p it once again


Bulletin of the American Meteorological SocietyAmerican Meteorological Society

Published: Mar 1, 2015

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