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proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of the American Meteorological Society

proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of the American Meteorological Society propose d amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws o f the American Meteorological Society Dear Members: dures, an d the outline of the interrelationship of the various board s and committees with more detail than contained in Approximately two years ago , the Council of the American the Constitution, have been cast into the proposed new By- Meteorological Society directed a review of the Society's Con- Laws. This document is capable of amendment without the stitution, By-Laws, and Organizational Procedures, initially expense and cumbersome procedure of a mail ballot to the with an eye toward s clarifying an d eliminating certain incon- sistencies an d duplications. The task evolved into a thorough membership; however, amendment may be accomplished review of our operative governing documents by Officers of only by prope r notice to the Council members, an d then by a the Society an d an ad hoc committee, with the assistance of two-thirds vote of the Council membership. Finally, if the legal counsel. new Constitution and By-Laws are adopted, the Organiza- In October of 1987, the Council approved an amendment tional Procedures will be revised to deal with the day-to-day to the Constitution and By-Laws. In accordanc e Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society American Meteorological Society

proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of the American Meteorological Society

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society , Volume 69 (2): 15 – Feb 1, 1988

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propose d amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws o f the American Meteorological Society Dear Members: dures, an d the outline of the interrelationship of the various board s and committees with more detail than contained in Approximately two years ago , the Council of the American the Constitution, have been cast into the proposed new By- Meteorological Society directed a review of the Society's Con- Laws. This document is capable of amendment without the stitution, By-Laws, and Organizational Procedures, initially expense and cumbersome procedure of a mail ballot to the with an eye toward s clarifying an d eliminating certain incon- sistencies an d duplications. The task evolved into a thorough membership; however, amendment may be accomplished review of our operative governing documents by Officers of only by prope r notice to the Council members, an d then by a the Society an d an ad hoc committee, with the assistance of two-thirds vote of the Council membership. Finally, if the legal counsel. new Constitution and By-Laws are adopted, the Organiza- In October of 1987, the Council approved an amendment tional Procedures will be revised to deal with the day-to-day to the Constitution and By-Laws. In accordanc e


Bulletin of the American Meteorological SocietyAmerican Meteorological Society

Published: Feb 1, 1988

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