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PREFACE Seasonal interactions between snow cover and the atmosphere and vegetation are being increasingly recognized as extremely important factors for the regulation of climate, terrestrial ecosystems, and water supply. These interactions are fundamental to cold regions hydrology and to water supply in the many temperate regions that rely on mountain or high-latitude snowpacks. However, recent intercomparisons of numerical snow models for open environments have shown widely divergent results and there is strong debate over the importance of forest and shrub cover on snow dynamics. Accurate and comprehensive inclusion of the relevant snow processes is critical to the development of improved conceptual and numerical models. This special section of the Journal of Hydrometeorology includes papers solicited from two International Commission on Snow and Ice (ICSI) working groups: the ““Snow Vegetation Interactions Working Group”” ( Pomeroy et al. 2001 ) and the ““Snow Model Intercomparison Working Group.”” The purpose of this section is to examine snow processes and models in vegetation and in open areas in order to develop more consistent and realistic approaches to representing snow in numerical models. It is hoped that this will improve our understanding of complex snow––vegetation––atmosphere––water systems, and the robustness of representations of snow process Journal of Hydrometeorology American Meteorological Society

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American Meteorological Society
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Seasonal interactions between snow cover and the atmosphere and vegetation are being increasingly recognized as extremely important factors for the regulation of climate, terrestrial ecosystems, and water supply. These interactions are fundamental to cold regions hydrology and to water supply in the many temperate regions that rely on mountain or high-latitude snowpacks. However, recent intercomparisons of numerical snow models for open environments have shown widely divergent results and there is strong debate over the importance of forest and shrub cover on snow dynamics. Accurate and comprehensive inclusion of the relevant snow processes is critical to the development of improved conceptual and numerical models. This special section of the Journal of Hydrometeorology includes papers solicited from two International Commission on Snow and Ice (ICSI) working groups: the ““Snow Vegetation Interactions Working Group”” ( Pomeroy et al. 2001 ) and the ““Snow Model Intercomparison Working Group.”” The purpose of this section is to examine snow processes and models in vegetation and in open areas in order to develop more consistent and realistic approaches to representing snow in numerical models. It is hoped that this will improve our understanding of complex snow––vegetation––atmosphere––water systems, and the robustness of representations of snow process


Journal of HydrometeorologyAmerican Meteorological Society

Published: Oct 1, 2004

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