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NOWCAST owe if f NEWS AND NOTES TSUNAM I EXPERIMENTS LOOK of the flumes had windows that during a tsunami would be critical T O GROUN D BENEATH allowed the researchers to observe in certain locations, such as Waikiki Man y models designed for pre- and videotape the action underwa- Beach in Hawaii. "This is absolutely dictin g the impact of tsunamis ter. Four cameras overhead also necessary in a place like Waikiki tend to ignore the effect a wave can recorded the experiments. because in the event of a tsunami exert on the Earth beneath when Th e ultimate goal of Young's there is n o place to run," she says. "It it draws back into the ocean. This experiments is to establish "per- is too populated and the near-shore summer , Princeton engineering formance-base d tsunami engi- bathymetry is too flat. The building researchers created experimental neering"—basically , guidelines has to stay intact so that people can mini-tsunamis in Oregon with the for building structures that will evacuate vertically." goal of understanding this effect withstand tsunamis. I n the experiments, the re- and in turn creating buildings to Young said that knowing how to searchers focused on the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society American Meteorological Society

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owe if f NEWS AND NOTES TSUNAM I EXPERIMENTS LOOK of the flumes had windows that during a tsunami would be critical T O GROUN D BENEATH allowed the researchers to observe in certain locations, such as Waikiki Man y models designed for pre- and videotape the action underwa- Beach in Hawaii. "This is absolutely dictin g the impact of tsunamis ter. Four cameras overhead also necessary in a place like Waikiki tend to ignore the effect a wave can recorded the experiments. because in the event of a tsunami exert on the Earth beneath when Th e ultimate goal of Young's there is n o place to run," she says. "It it draws back into the ocean. This experiments is to establish "per- is too populated and the near-shore summer , Princeton engineering formance-base d tsunami engi- bathymetry is too flat. The building researchers created experimental neering"—basically , guidelines has to stay intact so that people can mini-tsunamis in Oregon with the for building structures that will evacuate vertically." goal of understanding this effect withstand tsunamis. I n the experiments, the re- and in turn creating buildings to Young said that knowing how to searchers focused on the


Bulletin of the American Meteorological SocietyAmerican Meteorological Society

Published: Jan 1, 2008

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