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meeting reviews

meeting reviews Computer Techniques and Meteorological Data Applied to Problems of Agriculture and Forestry: A Workshop, 30-31 March 1981, Anaheim, Calif. Albert Weiss University of Nebraska, Panhandle Station 4502 Avenue I, Scottsbluff, Nebr. 69361 "Agricultur e is the Nation' s biggest industry. Its assets, total- the United States and eight foreign countries, attended this ing $1,090 billion on Januar y 1, 1981, are equal to abou t 88 workshop . percent of the capital assets of all manufacturing corpora- Th e objectives of this workshop were: tions in the United States." That statement, from the Fact Book of U.S. Agriculture (USDA, Miscellaneous Publication 1) to explore the potential of modern electronics in data 1063, Novembe r 1981), plus the interest that all of us should collection and information dissemination; have in the foo d an d fiber produce d in the United States, de- scribes the paramoun t importance of agriculture. An indus- 2) to assess the curren t status of biological knowledge as it try of this magnitude needs better weather information for relates to weather factors; bot h short-term operations and long-range planning than it has received in the past. While we currentl y have surpluses of 3) to Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society American Meteorological Society

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Computer Techniques and Meteorological Data Applied to Problems of Agriculture and Forestry: A Workshop, 30-31 March 1981, Anaheim, Calif. Albert Weiss University of Nebraska, Panhandle Station 4502 Avenue I, Scottsbluff, Nebr. 69361 "Agricultur e is the Nation' s biggest industry. Its assets, total- the United States and eight foreign countries, attended this ing $1,090 billion on Januar y 1, 1981, are equal to abou t 88 workshop . percent of the capital assets of all manufacturing corpora- Th e objectives of this workshop were: tions in the United States." That statement, from the Fact Book of U.S. Agriculture (USDA, Miscellaneous Publication 1) to explore the potential of modern electronics in data 1063, Novembe r 1981), plus the interest that all of us should collection and information dissemination; have in the foo d an d fiber produce d in the United States, de- scribes the paramoun t importance of agriculture. An indus- 2) to assess the curren t status of biological knowledge as it try of this magnitude needs better weather information for relates to weather factors; bot h short-term operations and long-range planning than it has received in the past. While we currentl y have surpluses of 3) to


Bulletin of the American Meteorological SocietyAmerican Meteorological Society

Published: Oct 1, 1982

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