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at AMS headquarters From 1-3 March, Executive Director Kenneth C. Spengler Since the announcemen t of the 15th Stanstead Seminar in the March was in New Orleans for a Council of Engineering and 1984 BULLETIN (65, p. 226), there has been a change in the program. Scientifi c Society Executives (CESSE) meeting of chief E. Harrison, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will speak in executiv e officers. The highlight of the meeting was a place of G. Philander, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. banque t address by AMS Pas t President Robert M. White, in his capacity as President of the National Academy of In the Lists of New Members that appeared in the April 1984 BUL- Eningeering . LETIN (65, p. 402), James W. Klein, Jr.'s name was inadvertently Spengler was in Washington, D.C., on 5 March, attending listed as James E. Klien. • th e Science Service/Westinghouse Educational Foundation Award s Dinner of the 43rd Annual Science Talent Search. The following day, in addition to handling some AMS activities , Spengler attended a special reception in honor of MGA Editor Malcom Rigby on his election to Honorary Fellow of the National Federation of Abstracting ana Indexing Services (NFAIS). Spengler attended not only as Pas t President of NFAIS, but also as the prime mover of the MGA project in 1949, with Malcom Rigby as it s Editor. Visitor s to Headquarters during March included: Val On 9 March, Spengler returned to Washington for Descamps , EPA, Boston; Jack Patrick, Commonwealth of Nationa l Science Foundation and AMS Newsletter business, Massachusetts ; Mark Sandler; Leo J. Bedard; Betsy Cann, and to attend a dinner at the National Museum of Natural Rea z Haque, and K. Gundersheimer, MIT; Lester Gaynor; Histor y to celebrat e "The Year of the Ocean," hosted by the Christophe r Allen; Lloyd Schulman, ERT; J.H. Snooks, Smithsonia n Institution and the Year of the Ocean Yanke e Atomic; Daniel Smith, C.T. Main; Keith Seitt, Foundation . Universit y of Lowell; and, Vernon Richardson, Spengler left for the Peoples' Republic of China (PRC) WNYC-AM/FM . on 14 March to participate in the first joint AMS/CMS (Chines e Meteorological Society) conference, the Internationa l Symposium on the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Platea u and Mountain Meteorology. A joint meeting was originally proposed during the first exchange of visitors betwee n the two societies in 1974 and 1975. Plans were develope d in discussions during the WMO (World Meteorologia l Organization) Congress in May 1983. Also participatin g in the symposium in Beijing on behalf of AMS, wer e President Eugene W. bierly and AMS Program Chairma n Elmar R. Reiter. MesnMeXA Only.... Befor e the symposium, Spengler was in Hangzhou from 15 t o 17 March, where the JSC (Joint Steering Committee w&an it with psudte! WMO/ICSU) was meeting. Among those attending JSC, with whom he had discussions, were AMS Past Presidents Thomas Malone and Verner Suomi; Sir John Mason, Former Director, British Meteorological Office and new Chairman of JSC; J. T. Houghton, Director, British Meteorological Office ana Pas t Chairman JSC; S. P. Adikary, Director, Department of Irrigation , Hydrology and Meteorology, Nepal; P. Morel, Director , Joint Planning Staff for the World Climate Researc h Program (WCRP), World Meteorological Organization ; H. J. Bolle, Director, Institute for Meteorolog y and Geophysics, Innsbruck and President of Du e to the many requests over the years IAMAP (International Association of Meteorology and from members and AM S Chapters, the AM S Atmospheri c Physics); and L. Bengstsson, European Center is offering a very attractive lapel pin/tie fo r Medium Range Weather Forecasts. tack combination to its members. The Seal While in Beijing, Spengler also had the opportunity for discussion s with Mr. Zou Jingmeng, Administrator, State of the American Meteorological Society is Meteorologica l Administration (SMA), PRC; Prof. Ye masterfully reproduced and die-struck on Su-Zheng, Vice-President, Academic Sinica and President, the finest jeweler's metal with a polished CMS; Prof. Xie Yibing, Chairman, Department of Hamilto n Gold-clad finish. The size is f " Geophysics , Peking University, and Vice-President, CMS; in diameter. Prof . Zhang Jilia, Deputy Administrator, SMA, and Vice-Presiden t and Secretary-General, CMS; Prof. Tao Because of the limited supply, we suggest Shiyan, Atmospheric Physics Institute, Academic Sinica, that you order your AM S lapel pin/tie tack Vice-President , CMS, and Symposium Chairman; and Hong combination now. Shinian, Deputy Secretary-General, CMS. Spengler also met with Yu Zhihua, President of Science Press , with whom AMS is jointly publishing Proceedings of $8.0 0 th e First Sino-American Workshop on Mountain AMERICA N METEOROLOGICAL Meteorology . Science Press also hopes to collaborate with AMS on several other publications. SOCIETY On 23 March, Spengler represented the AMS at 45 Beacon St. ceremonie s in Beijing commemorating World Meteorological Boston , MA 02108 Day. The principal speakers were Mr. Zou Jingmeng, Administrator , SMA, and P. Morel, Director, WCRP, WMO. Bulletin American Meteorological Society 51 5
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society – American Meteorological Society
Published: May 1, 1984
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