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chapter news

chapter news Kentucky-Souther n Indiana tion of the state of Kansas, is aptly named the High An organizational meeting was held on 16 June Plains chapter. Anyone in the Goodland, Kansas, area 1995. Eight AMS members, representing the United who is interested in attending meetings should contact Parcel Service, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Scott A. Mentzer, 920 Armory Rd., Goodland, KS NWS, and WDRB-TV, and one non-AMS member 67735-9273; telephone: 913-899-2360 or 7119. attended the meeting. Attendees voted on chapter dues, meeting schedules, and officers. The first slate Northeas t Ohio of officers are Bill Wilson of the NWS, president; The chapter's annual picnic was held on 22 July Tammy Garrison of WDRB-TV, vice president; and 1995 at the MetroParks Brecksville Reservation. The Marvin Maddox of the NWS, secretary/treasurer. The feature of the picnic was a weather observing and new Kentucky-Southern Indiana chapter member forecasting session. Members and guests provided Marilyn Scholz, a member of the former Derby City their own portable weather equipment, such as hand- chapter, which became inactive approximately 15 years held anemometers and sling psychrometers, to ob- ago, announced that she had retained the records and serve and forecast. The appropriate numerical model- funds of the inactive chapter and then transferred ing was obtained from the National Weather Service them to the Kentucky-Southern Indiana chapter. (NWS) the previous day.—Matt Higgins. —Marvin Maddox. Headquarter s Hig h Plains The December Bulletin will report the outcome of The AM S Executive Committee approved the orga- this year's science fairs. Please submit results— nization of a new chapter at its meeting on 28 and 29 namely, winners, projects, and schools—to Bulletin July. The new chapter, representing the western por- News Editor; e-mail: [email protected] • The hydrogen generator that provides hydrogen at usable pressure without a compressor! The latest in Teledyne Brown Engineering Energy Systems line of hydrogen generators, ALTUS 20 is designed primarily for inflating weather balloons. Unlike other gas generators intended for balloon inflation, ALTUS 20 provides hydrogen at usable and storable pressure; no compressor necessary. Other features include: • Easy installation and maintenance. • Microprocessor control for automatic operation and superior reliability. • Electricity and water operation; no methanol or acid-metal supplies required. • Compact size and rugged construction. For more information, contact us today! WTELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING Energy Systems 10707 Gilroy Road, Hunt Valley, MD 21031-1311 U.S.A. 410-771-8600 FAX: 410-771-8618 Telex: 87780 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 1663 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society American Meteorological Society

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Kentucky-Souther n Indiana tion of the state of Kansas, is aptly named the High An organizational meeting was held on 16 June Plains chapter. Anyone in the Goodland, Kansas, area 1995. Eight AMS members, representing the United who is interested in attending meetings should contact Parcel Service, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Scott A. Mentzer, 920 Armory Rd., Goodland, KS NWS, and WDRB-TV, and one non-AMS member 67735-9273; telephone: 913-899-2360 or 7119. attended the meeting. Attendees voted on chapter dues, meeting schedules, and officers. The first slate Northeas t Ohio of officers are Bill Wilson of the NWS, president; The chapter's annual picnic was held on 22 July Tammy Garrison of WDRB-TV, vice president; and 1995 at the MetroParks Brecksville Reservation. The Marvin Maddox of the NWS, secretary/treasurer. The feature of the picnic was a weather observing and new Kentucky-Southern Indiana chapter member forecasting session. Members and guests provided Marilyn Scholz, a member of the former Derby City their own portable weather equipment, such as hand- chapter, which became inactive approximately 15 years held anemometers and sling psychrometers, to ob- ago, announced that she had retained the records and serve and forecast. The appropriate numerical model- funds of the inactive chapter and then transferred ing was obtained from the National Weather Service them to the Kentucky-Southern Indiana chapter. (NWS) the previous day.—Matt Higgins. —Marvin Maddox. Headquarter s Hig h Plains The December Bulletin will report the outcome of The AM S Executive Committee approved the orga- this year's science fairs. Please submit results— nization of a new chapter at its meeting on 28 and 29 namely, winners, projects, and schools—to Bulletin July. The new chapter, representing the western por- News Editor; e-mail: [email protected] • The hydrogen generator that provides hydrogen at usable pressure without a compressor! The latest in Teledyne Brown Engineering Energy Systems line of hydrogen generators, ALTUS 20 is designed primarily for inflating weather balloons. Unlike other gas generators intended for balloon inflation, ALTUS 20 provides hydrogen at usable and storable pressure; no compressor necessary. Other features include: • Easy installation and maintenance. • Microprocessor control for automatic operation and superior reliability. • Electricity and water operation; no methanol or acid-metal supplies required. • Compact size and rugged construction. For more information, contact us today! WTELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING Energy Systems 10707 Gilroy Road, Hunt Valley, MD 21031-1311 U.S.A. 410-771-8600 FAX: 410-771-8618 Telex: 87780 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 1663


Bulletin of the American Meteorological SocietyAmerican Meteorological Society

Published: Sep 1, 1995

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