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CALL FOR PAPERS Call for Pa Pers a nnoun Cement programming is assumed. If you are a International Symposium on Clima- A MS Short Course: A Beginner’s moderately experienced Python pro- tology (IV SIC), 16–19 October 2011, Course to Using Python in Climate grammer, this course will be a poor João Pessoa, Brazil a nd Meteorolog y, 21–22 Ja nua r y f it for you; please consider ta k ing 2012, New Orleans, Louisiana the other AMS short course “Using The fourth edition of the IV SIC will Python in Climate and Meteorology: be held at Tropical Tambaú Beach Re- The application of object-oriented Advanced Methods.” sort in João Pessoa, State of Paraíba, programming and other advances in All attendees will need to bring a Brazil, 16 –19 October 2011. It will computer science to the atmospheric laptop (with power adapter) that has be placed u nder t he genera l topic sciences has in turn led to advances Python installed on it. Instructions of “Impacts of Climate Change on in modeling and analysis tools and will be e-mailed to registered attend- Urban Areas” aiming to discuss how methods. The open-source language ees before the course begins on how the global Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society American Meteorological Society

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Call for Pa Pers a nnoun Cement programming is assumed. If you are a International Symposium on Clima- A MS Short Course: A Beginner’s moderately experienced Python pro- tology (IV SIC), 16–19 October 2011, Course to Using Python in Climate grammer, this course will be a poor João Pessoa, Brazil a nd Meteorolog y, 21–22 Ja nua r y f it for you; please consider ta k ing 2012, New Orleans, Louisiana the other AMS short course “Using The fourth edition of the IV SIC will Python in Climate and Meteorology: be held at Tropical Tambaú Beach Re- The application of object-oriented Advanced Methods.” sort in João Pessoa, State of Paraíba, programming and other advances in All attendees will need to bring a Brazil, 16 –19 October 2011. It will computer science to the atmospheric laptop (with power adapter) that has be placed u nder t he genera l topic sciences has in turn led to advances Python installed on it. Instructions of “Impacts of Climate Change on in modeling and analysis tools and will be e-mailed to registered attend- Urban Areas” aiming to discuss how methods. The open-source language ees before the course begins on how the global


Bulletin of the American Meteorological SocietyAmerican Meteorological Society

Published: Sep 1, 2011

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